Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Unproductive Productivity

The weekend was spent spending time with Jim and my mom. The kids didn't make it up for Easter Sunday, but Jim and I and Mom and I made the best of the weekend. Friday was spent with my quilting friends from downstate and Jim and I ran about 1,000 errands. When mom and I went to Houghton Lake on Saturday, I was able to pick up those wide backs needed for both of the Tula Pink tops I've completed.

Did I tell you about that? Thursday I wanted to load my Tula Butterfly. I measured the top, then measured the back. Loaded the back and measured it again. When I put the top on the batting, it was about 15 inches too long from the backing. UGH!! So this got loaded instead.

Flowery Kaleidoscope Top
Sunday was spent in Midland with Jim doing more errands and out to lunch. I did do a little piecing on the Long Time Gone top and this is where I ended my Sunday.

Long Time Gone block in progress
Yesterday we finally had a very nice spring day. It was more summer-like then spring actually. Temps in the upper 70's and since we are just starting the warm weather, bugs were at an all time low. This is what I accomplished yesterday.

Hazel's new night time pen being constructed
Absolutely zero studio time because by the time I got 11 of the 12 holes dug, Jim arrived home with the posts. We cemented the bottom part of the posts (because I was only able to get down about 24" with the holes; we have terrible clay here on the property), and then the rest of the posts were packed back in with that clay.

This is going to be Hazels permanent "night time" area. We have an awful skunk and porcupine problem up here and I'm really not into her getting tangled up with either of these critters. She'll go out at night in this enclosure to do her potty thing. The current fence we have looked kind of trashy and not very aesthetically pleasing to customers who come to drop off/pick up quilts. And we didn't really like the look of it either not to mention it's pretty flimsy with just the t-posts holding up the wire.

By the time we finished with this part of the project I was absolutely wiped out. I hadn't eaten all day, took in very little water, and was feeling the headache and body ache effects of this behavior. Today is our typical gloomy, cooler weather day (although the sun is supposed to come out later) and will make up for tomorrow in the studio today.

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