Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Grateful Thanksgiving

I could whine about some of my children not being home this Thanksgiving. But I'm grateful they have others to share the holiday with and they are happy and healthy where they'll be.

I could whine about my having to work a whole day today at the store instead of staying home to work, but I'm grateful I get to get out of the house and see people while getting paid for it.

I could whine about the rain that's coming our way, but I'm grateful to have a very cozy roof over my head to stay out of the rain.

I could whine about the aches and pains I'm experiencing with a little advancing age, but I'm grateful to be able to walk and talk and do all that I do each and every day even if it's a little slower then before.

There's a silver lining to everything if you really think about it. I have a GREAT life here on the lake and count my blessings each and every chance I get for those life privileges.

What are you grateful for?

Here's what's on the frame this morning. I hope to finish it up before heading out for my work day.

Penny's Panel Quilt
If you notice, the two borders are being custom done...not that putting in swirls isn't custom as well, but again, I just can't seem to edge to edge. I'm okay with that because it provides me an outlet for my creativity. I'm grateful my customers trust me enough to give me license to do creative quilting and make their quilts come alive.

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