The bookcase quilt I'm doing for Jims cousin recently made her relationship official. They've been living together for 24 years, but finally went to the courthouse this winter and legalized it. Their last names are Miller. Look what I found in my selvedge stash.
A Miller Selvedge |
The Row by Row with Sugaridoo is complete for the month!
Month Six |
And yesterday was discovery day. Long story (Katie's already heard this). This is my main piecing machine. I do about 80% of my work on this machine because of the built-in quarter inch foot and how well it stitches.
Jay |
With what Katie calls the Covidbribe check we received this week, I was pondering getting a sit-down quilting machine. The other Janome (Mike) I have just doesn't cut it as described in yesterdays post. The Handi Quilter sit downs were financially out of the bribe check amount received. I looked at some Juki's on-line (because many of the instructors out there swear by them) and was planning on potentially purchasing one of those. Then I remembered I had a free motion/darning foot for Jay. Somewhere. In. Here.
After much searching, I finally found the thing and put it on. That was a royal pain: Unscrew this, unscrew that, remove this plate, line this up, turn this dial, screw this and that back in, put plate back on.'s on.
Jays new foot |
I wanted to give it a spin before quitting for the night (it was already past 9:00) so whatever thread I had in it (Aurofil piecing thread) decided to give it a go. GORGEOUS, BEAUTIFUL, LOVELY stitches came out of this machine. Better even than DW!
While I just saved $1,000 not having to purchase another machine, I've just dug a little hole here. This was my main piecing machine. Except, the HQ Stitch (Lilo) we received in Utah last year pieces very nicely too. I've done some paper piecing on it and I quite like how it performs. I was just putting it on the return side of Jay that is on hinges, but can't put it there permanently since I own a big dog who, when playing with dad at night, could easily knock the feet out from underneath of it.
Rearranging my studio may ensue to accommodate another small table for Lilo if Jay continues to positively perform through more testing today.
I'm so excited to finally have a sit down machine at my disposal. Just when I thought my life could't get any more perfect! See...wishes do come true. If only the damn virus thing would settle down in everybody's head both of yesterday's wishes would have been granted.