Friday, April 24, 2020

Not a New Pattern

I've made a few log cabin quilts in my quilting lifetime. They are usually very bright and sometimes a little wonky. Yesterday I ran across one that was neither bright or wonky. But very appealing.

I drafted the pattern and did a test run in the morning. The block was way too big and the measurements were a little off. After putting that aside, I loaded a customer quilt and worked on it for the remainder of the day/early evening.

After thinking about the block made earlier in the morning, I redrafted and rescaled the block to a more manageable size. Bingo! After making another test block, came up with a winner. It's a good thing I did run the test too because apparently math is something you only do in school.

The initial test block
This log cabin top is going to be very low volume; way different then I usually do, but when put together it looks so soft and snuggly. A wonderful soft batting will defiantly have to get put into it to enhance the exterior look of the quilt.

I ordered two jelly rolls from MSQC and hope they get here this year. Is anybody else having trouble with their orders? I sent one in on April 3rd and another on April 13th. Nothing has arrived yet. I can only imagine how backed up they are with the virus thing.

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