Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Lost Packages and Channel Locks Rock!

MSQC is one of the most attentive companies I've had the pleasure to work with. A package ordered nearly a month ago has been bouncing around the country and was inadvertently sent to our old house. Our fault, not theirs. They are making sure it gets re-routed once they receive it there.

A new customer dropped off a little wall hanging a few days ago and wanted irregularly spaced grid work put into the piece. Hurray channel locks on my HQ Fusion!

Happy Halloween!
Isn't this cool?

Prior to working this piece yesterday afternoon, I finished Paulette's third quilt. Again, my HQ Fusion and the Pro Stitcher come to my aid.

Yummy candy motif
This quilt is going to The Springs (she thinks) for room redecorating there.

Today, I get to actually drive the Jeep. Another package from MSQC (and our error again) ended up downstate and I have to go fetch it at the post office. No, they won't forward it. I even offered to pay but I could be some deranged person wanting to heist 3 yards of white and black fabric. LOL!

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