Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Coasting Along

Many out there are having a hard time, at this point, of entertaining themselves in their own homes. I find it odd. We buy these multi thousand/million dollar homes and we can't stand to be in them for two weeks? Does this sound a little silly to anybody else? I love my home and the minute I leave it I can't wait to get back to it.

My situation, I know, is much different than the masses. I work from home, so going out isn't a daily regiment for me. Maybe this will identify to people they need to find a passion (painting, drawing, writing, whatever.) they can do if/when this situation we're finding ourselves in ever happens again.

Obviously, quilting is mine. I blazed through a custom piece in one day yesterday because I was having so much fun. Here's one of the blocks.

One of the blocks in Paulette's quilt
And, like usual, I loaded the top too close to the leaders and had to [once again] go through my rulers to find one that would assist in the crosshatched border.

Handi Quilter 2 x 10 Ruler is the only one that would work here.
I love my Handi Quilter rulers! Today, I'll be using them again in this piece as well as some Angela Walters free motion meandering feathers, ribbon candy, wavy lines, and others.

Mickey's Quilt of Valor
This one is going to be a challenge. Mickey actually wants to see the quilting throughout the quilt and has chosen a medium gold thread to run through the whole piece. I better be on my A-Game today because any (and I mean any) and all mistakes will be seen with that dark blue background.

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