Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Broken Record

I know I sound like a broken record. I've blasted this point more than I care to admit. But I do it because it's that important.

Do you want this is in your quilt after it comes back from the long armer?

Border Pleat
Should your quilt hang straight or like this?

Still hanging crooked after already taking the above pleat
Do you want this happening during the quilting of your quilt?

Bunched up extra fabric
This will be end up puckering while being quilted.

And what is the long armer supposed to do about all of this?

I saw a sign once that said, "I'm a beautician, NOT a magician." Ditto as a long armer, but I haven't yet found the words to make a little saying out of it.

This particular quilt is beautiful with all the reds and white within its body. Unfortunately, the time wasn't taken to properly measure the borders when attaching them and this is what ends up happening when the extra step isn't taken.

So another post about measuring and how important it is. I'm sure there will be more in the future because until the word gets out there how necessary it is, it'll continue to occur with incoming quilts.

1 comment:

  1. "Garbage in - garbage out"? (That would probably offend a few folks, though, so I guess back to thinking...


Who Said Long Arming Wasn't Dangerous?

I was on Bernie yesterday way before I was scheduled to open to try to get ahead of the day. 10 minutes into my work and...  Poked my finger...