Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Whoa, is thisTuesday Already?

We are finally breaking into spring here. This means less time in the studio when the weather is gorgeous. Which as pretty much the last four days.

Today, we have April showers and sewing can commence. Here's what I've managed to fit in despite being outdoors quite a bit.

We had a new addition to the family on Saturday. Welcome Eli!
Baby Elijah Melchizedek was born Saturday around 2:30-ish weighing in at a light 10 lbs. 8 ozs, and 23 inches long. Because of the virus crap, we are not allowed in the hospital and we have to wait to even visit him for a few weeks.

I finished the animal/barn top
While getting all the dirt on our new grandson, I was finishing this top. Thank you Katie for your input on the border fabrics. It looks pretty good!

Made five masks for my brother and his gang
My brother texted on Friday after we had started our relaxing time, and requested masks for his girlfriend, her daughters and the one boyfriend. Those were stuck in the mail yesterday.

Loaded Sandy's quilt top
And yesterday morning was rather chilly, so while I was waiting for it to warm up a bit, loaded my last (for now) customer quilt onto the frame. More pics of this one to come as it's being worked.

I had ordered a pattern last week that struck my fancy and it arrived in the mail yesterday. I want to start working on it since I'm pretty much caught up in here on other projects. They aren't completed, but I have a fabric shortage on all three of what I have being worked on right now.

Until I can get out to a fabric store(s) to select fabric, I'm at a stand still. Although, the one project for Jim has fabrics coming in the mail. He wanted a larger rag quilt and I need more flannel for the backing squares to arrive from Missouri Star Quilt Company before I can continue on with it.

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