Thursday, June 11, 2020

What is Going On?

My blog posting page looks different today. Again. This is the third "change" in to how submit in the past couple of months. Maybe they're all off with the virus thing too?

The Lona nightmare is now complete. Well, the quilting anyway. I still need to trim and invoice. 

The blocks for the bear paw top are finished too. 

All 100!

Since we had some severe storms roll through most of yesterday afternoon, long arming was not an option. Making blocks was. It was better to risk a machine that cost a few hundred dollars then one that cost way more. Sashing has to be done next on these...which I fear will take quite a while. 

Then once the storms finally passed late afternoon, and my long arming for the day was nearly complete earlier on before the storms, I was able to start my little July wall hanging. 

Then I had to prod the AIQ squad for some advice about this.


I was going to get super intense with this little panel, but the back that goes with it (another panel, thus making a two sided quilt), isn't going to allow me to get all that nuts. The group suggested some random circles echoed and then filler inside. With another filler in between. I like the idea, so this is getting loaded today. 

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Empty Long Arms

Here is some of the quilting detail that went into Linda's quilt... The front The back I have it all trimmed and ready to bind for her. ...