Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Day 2 of the quilting marathon trying to catch up from the little life tosses.

Quilted this one for Mickey yesterday.

Mickey's second quilt

I have three total from her and this is only the second one done. I feel terrible for not getting them done quicker. 

This is a new customer piece I also worked yesterday. 

Emily's little wall hanging

I still have to bind it for her, but the third project I undertook didn't work out for me to get it done before calling it a day. Jill's coin quilt came back to me for the binding she didn't have when I quilted it a few months ago, so that was completed instead.

Today I bind Emily's quilt (hopefully), I have customers coming to drop off more (two I think), and I have to load Mickey's third quilt onto the frame. I have to get her stuff done...I've had them long enough! Two additional tops were dropped off yesterday and just when I think I'm getting a handle on my work load, in comes another bunch. 

It's a good thing, but getting only one of mine done every few months is kinda not a good thing. But mine don't pay the bills and it's not like I don't have a huge inventory already. 

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Empty Long Arms

Here is some of the quilting detail that went into Linda's quilt... The front The back I have it all trimmed and ready to bind for her. ...