Monday, June 29, 2020

Moving Week

Not for us...thank goodness! Mom's movers are supposed to be at her house right now. She has an offer on the lake house and spent the last night there last night. She's pretty sad about it, but excited too for her new condo in Gladwin.

So, most of Saturday was spent with her moving frames and other miscellaneous items. Things too delicate for the movers to trust. 

This was on the frame when the weekend started.

A little baby quilt for Jill

This still needs to be squared and bound today. Another baby quilt for Jill will get loaded later today. That too will need binding made and added once it's complete.

Our grandson, Elijah, was baptized yesterday. Proud parents for sure.

Baby Elijah didn't mind the ceremony

And the Northern Catalpa tree is in blossom. What a beautiful background when looking out the window where my pressing and cutting tables are.

In full bloom

Hot and sunny all week which also makes for great quilting weather since we still don't have a "lake". It continues to drop 1-2" each day and this is our fate for the unforeseeable future. I measured the amount of new "lake frontage" we now have. We were estimating around 20-25 feet; we are actually now at a little over 40 feet! Not cool!

I forgot to mention the weekend was also spent at the Pieces of Thyme sidewalk sale. A few fat quarter bundles, some background fabric, a pattern, a book, and eight panels were purchased to keep me busy during my evening sewing time. It's fun adding to the stash and to the projects pile too!

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Empty Long Arms

Here is some of the quilting detail that went into Linda's quilt... The front The back I have it all trimmed and ready to bind for her. ...