Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Thank Goodness for A/C

First this spring the rain wouldn't stop. Now we can't seem to get any and are in a drought situation. It's good in one way; mosquitoes are at a minimum right now. Bad for Jims garden and all other living creatures though. But with the hot (90+ degree) days, I stay inside and work. 

Here is what was completed yesterday on the frame.

Jill's baby quilt

Hook swirls grace this cute baby quilt that some lucky little one-year old is going to receive for their birthday.

New customer quilt being loaded today. With Minky as the backing. I'm told many long armers won't work with Minky. It's very stretchy and a bit flighty with the quilting aspect. It likes to pucker and pulling it tight just makes matters worse. Finding the happy medium of stretch versus slop is the key. Wish me luck on this one.

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