Tuesday, June 2, 2020


Schedule did not resume as normal. Mom closed on her condo. Brother came up from Cincinnati. More deck materials arrived. Maybe this week?

Yesterday proved to be a semi-successful studio day. I did a little long arming.

Lona's quilt for her granddaughter
And later, after two appointments, I was able to continue on with a few more Bear Paw blocks. Oh, I didn't mention that? Katie found a cool quilt on Instagram and she was able to trace the pattern back to a MSQC video. We are reversing the light/dark areas and are making a ROYGBI/VP version. Each color will be 14 or 15 in numbers to make 100 blocks total. These will be set in quadrants of four and then sashed between quadrants. Here's what I have been able to slip into my life over the last week.

Unnamed quilt top in progress, but it's the Bear Paw blocks making the top 
Today, no appointments! Maybe just a run to pick up Jim if his pickup truck is done at the shop. It went to the hospital as it was running very rough of late. Long arming and cutting more blocks for more Bear Paw blocks in my future today. Happy quilting day!!!

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Empty Long Arms

Here is some of the quilting detail that went into Linda's quilt... The front The back I have it all trimmed and ready to bind for her. ...