Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Another One Done

Elleens quilt is finished. It's still on the frame, but the quilting is complete. 

Rays from the center star

Can you even see the quilting?
I'll off load this morning and then get the next one started while I'm trimming/billing this one. See, this is the benefit of having two long arms. I would be working on DW while frame ironing the back for what's going on Bernie next. I'm spoiled I guess.

I did work on Bee Happy last night, but the next block is a big one and I've still got four circles left to blanket stitch. Circles take forever! Another unseasonably warm day expected today (mid to high 70's), so I'm back in my summer clothes. I thought we were done with all of that for the year!?

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Who Said Long Arming Wasn't Dangerous?

I was on Bernie yesterday way before I was scheduled to open to try to get ahead of the day. 10 minutes into my work and...  Poked my finger...