Thursday, December 3, 2020

Merrily Quilting Along

It's fun to quilt with Christmas music in the background. It's the one month of the year I get to do it and I forgot just how much I truly enjoy it. My iTunes library has 164 carefully curated and selected holiday songs which is enough to entertain me throughout a whole day without hearing a repeat. Or any commercials. 

The "monster" is done. OMG when I pulled it off the frame yesterday afternoon to trim it up, was it ever heavy! The customer has been notified and now I'm moving along. I had another customers' husband drop off a top last night. What a very nice guy. Jim and I chatted with him for over an hour. Lake people, for the most part, are pretty cool people.

On the frame this morning is this top. 

Joan's Musical Quilt
I'm going to try my hand at free motion guitars and musical notes. I practiced last night on the iPad and think I've got it handled. 

After wrangling the monster and getting the top above loaded, I wanted to make a holiday mask. I don't have much holiday print in the stash so settled for these. 

Once those were done I worked on the center bottom section of Gravity. These sections are going together rather well; much to my surprise given it's mostly on bias I'm dealing with. But I'm being careful not to pull or stretch anything since I'm aware of what could happen if I do. 

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