Thursday, December 31, 2020

Well, Isn't Being Quarantined Fun?

Actually, it's okay. Jim started showing mild symptoms Christmas day and yesterday went into the full blown yucks. He went and got tested this morning. Meanwhile, my mom is about a day and a half ahead of him and went and got tested yesterday. I'm still cruising along.

I started this two days ago.

An activity Wall Hanging for the Grandkids in Lansing
And then I finished it.

Great for homeschoolers like the grandkids will be
Yesterday I loaded and started this.

From my virtual retreat a few months ago
And then I finished it.

Already hung
What to do today?

I want to actually make something and not long arm today. It's hard to long arm with a house full of people. It's pretty distracting and I like to stay focused when on the frame. I'll dig through my bag of tricks and see what I come up with for a project for the next week or so since the Health Department has directed us to stay quarantined until January 10th. 


1 comment:

Now We're Moving

No, we're not moving away. But the studio is getting a shift in long arm placement. Quickly before I head off to my class... Stripping D...