We have a pretty good size fox running around the neighborhood. Deb and I pretty much located where he's denning up and he occasionally travels by the lakeside of the house in the morning. Yesterday he was a major distraction for me while watching him travel in his daily quest for food. This is the nice thing about living on a lake, out in the country, on acreage; so much wildlife to observe during my work day.
I finished Kayes quilt yesterday and then loaded this onto the frame...
Robin's Grand Fishes |
I'm putting a lot of thread into this already (for some reason) and then read the directions on what she wanted. Loose and snuggly. I'll have to tone down the fishes section so I can balance out those top blocks and the borders where I went a little thread crazy.
While Kayes quilt was stitching out, I managed to open, read about, and set up my new iron. Let's hope this one lasts a little longer then the eight months the other one did. After setting up the iron, Celestial Star month number ten was worked on.
Month #10 of Celestial Stars |
After trimming Kayes quilt and pressing this out, I loaded Robins first top (she dropped off two a while ago) and then started cutting out for Month #11.
It was early when the lights shut off in the studio so made an EPP hexagon flower to make up for it. Oh, did I mention that?
Okay, so crocheting and knitting scarves is finished for a while. I mean, how many scarves does a person need? And, I'm out of decent yarn anyway. But doing handwork at night is cathartic. I drug out my baskets of hexagons I've been working on for, oh, seven or so years, and started putting flowers together.
The original plan for these was some type of pixelated top using the colors to "paint" with but I don't want to get that intense with these anymore; it's funny how plans change. I'll shoot a pic of the baskets to show how many thousands of hexagons that have been made over the years and what I have to work with.