Monday, January 11, 2021

Well, That Wasn't Fun!

So, this COVID thing is nothing to laugh at. While none of us were hospitalized, it did take quite a while to get over. I'm still a little fuzzy headed today, but every day is showing improvement; except for the lack of taste and smell, which I seem to have lost for now.

Hazel kept me company on the couch during recovery. She wasn't acting bonkers and kinda knew mom wasn't feeling too well.

Keeping mom company while she's trying to get better

I did do a little studio work yesterday on the DeGroot Reunion Cross completing sections 11 and 12 out of the 16 needed. I have section 13 laid out and will put that together later today.

But the first part of today is a DW day. I miss him...tried to get on him a few days ago and it just didn't work out. I was too weak and was afraid of my lightheadedness reeking havoc on what I'm in the middle of, which is some ruler work.

This was a heck of a way to introduce 2021 into our lives (or end the retched 2020) but we all made it and may finally get back into a state of normalcy. 

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