Thursday, April 11, 2024

Hello World!

Since Sunday evening, I've been on the couch. Sick. Stomach flu. Bleh! Probably got it from the grandkids when we were there Saturday. I'm still a little light headed and fuzzy feeling this morning, but I'm going to try to do something in the studio. I'll see how it goes. Maybe just getting up and working will get the kinks outta my system. 

Here's what on DW today...

Maggie's aboriginal top

You can't see many of the details in her fabric choice, but this is a really (really) cool quilt top. 

While I was stuck on the couch, during the most perfect spring days one could ask for, Jim was making headway on the new studio. He got the stringers on the porch, the deck boards are laid out, the scaffolding is back inside getting ready to put on the faux beam, and I'm not sure what else he did, but I'm sure he told me and I was pretty out of it to comprehend what he was saying. Sorry honey.

He said he didn't attach the deck boards yet because we have to run a couple of inches of pea stone under there and it's easier to do with the boards not yet attached. Makes sense.

So, for three days, that's about it. I've had a couple of inquires come through the phone and text/email and one customer wanted to come fetch her quilt. After explaining what I was dealing with here health wise, she decided next week might be better. I agreed. It's, of course, rainy and overcast, but I'll take that over being sick regardless. Wish me luck today!

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