Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Long Projects

The new studio is definitely a very long project. We're at 10 months already and still things to be done. He said, when he started the project, to give him a year. Looks like it'll be close to that. 

And then I have my long project. While the Mary, Mary quilt wasn't huge by any means, the amount of thread going in and the time- consuming motifs I selected to insert into the quilt took a long while to complete.  

Mary, Mary
See what I mean about a lot of thread?!

While DW was stitching on Martha's quilt I worked on this one. Then, I loaded Martha's quilt incorrectly and found myself having to unload it, cut a section of backing for the bottom, sewing that on, reloading, and then starting again. 

Marthas quilt is done. Because I had to frame iron for the next one on DW, I continued with Dianes quilt and that's how I got it finished. I'm just waiting for the marks to fade before calling her.

Meanwhile, this is on DW today...

Pat's embroidered braid
The white sections are all embroidered and the braids are done in batiks. However, look at the top border. I haven't basted in yet, but I can see already there's going to be an issue. Again with the borders waving at me. I love a good people wave; I do not love a good quilt top wave. Wish me luck. 

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