Wednesday, June 19, 2019

HQ Inspiration Squad

I've received a few pics from Utah for the surprise we are building for the staff at Handi Quilter. I have to print those off first this morning to let them dry before transferring them to fabric to mail out to Washington for Jan to start getting them into what we are making. Lots of steps, huh?

I've decided to postpone row by row for this week. It would be so much fun to run around with my mom and get all the patterns/kits to build another rxr quilt, but the timing right now just isn't good.

Yesterday, despite being busy outside while waiting for bug man to come, I did manage to work on these sporadically. Before the day ended I was able to get them done. Just a little something to say I actually sewed.

Bowl Cozies
These are great for hot soup and cold ice cream bowls.

After these were finished I dug around in my 'bag of tricks' to find an Amy Bradley pattern in there Jim had purchased for me a few years back. Doing appliqué in the summer is fun since it doesn't require something hot laying on your lap. Not that it's been hot here; anything but actually. But the lighting is great in the summer and small pieces and placement sheets are more easily seen through.

It's called Quilt Squad and has four silly quilting ladies lined up with all the necessary things needed to build a quilt. I started transferring the individual pieces to fusible last night and will continue on with that this morning.

MAYBE my thread will show up today from Superior. Jim tried to track it down at the post office this morning with no luck. Apparently they were not yet done sorting through packages and didn't know if mine was in there. He has an actual run today so he can't go back in the hour they said it would take to go through everything. And my mail person doesn't show up until the middle of the afternoon which leaves me to work on the Amy Bradley piece until then. I really need to get this Tula quilt done!

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