Wednesday, March 18, 2020

House Bound

Even if this blown-out-of-proportion Corona Virus thing wasn't asking us to stay in, I probably wouldn't be out much anyway. Seems the grandkids down in Lansing like to share. Grandpa came home with it a day or so after spending time with them, and then a few days later, I started feeling poopy. I've been lying pretty low since Sunday.

I'm better now! Yeah!!!!

So, now to get caught up on quilt tops from customers. This is loaded this morning

Micky's Brick Road top
DW, as you may remember, had a few days at the long arm spa. He's acting a little better. But I think I've changed so many variables in him that I'm having a hard time getting him back to how I expect him to behave. Yesterday I took him on a quick run through another small customer quilt and we continued having some skipped stitches, shredded thread, etc.

With this top, I'm going to put everything back to how I had it before when diagnosing his problems pre-spa trip. We'll see how he stitches out then.

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