Tuesday, March 3, 2020

When it Rains, Splash in the Puddles

Three customer visits yesterday, and one the day before. Glory, glory!!

Sunday was a drop off of three tops. Yesterday was a drop off of one top, pick up of one quilt/drop off two more tops, and then the final was another pick up of one quilt.

Then, last night, I received a call for another drop off on Friday.

I gave my two-week notice at the store this morning.

I'm at the age where I don't really want to work a full-time and a part-time job both. And, mom isn't getting any younger and I'd like to spend more time with her. And, and, and...

She met me after work this afternoon to go look at a condo in Gladwin proper. We both fell in love. It's kind of rough around the edges, and has been neglected somewhat. The place screams 1995 (when it was originally built), but with some elbow grease, some paint, and moms wonderful decorating touches, it won't take much to make it beautiful. She put an offer in on the spot.

Now, we wait.

Meanwhile, I'll be trying to work my PQ challenge and all these customer orders while trying to get through the two more days I have to work yet this week. And three more the next I believe.

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