Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Lock Down

Our governor closed our doors yesterday until April 13. Non-essential businesses are ordered to close. All travel is ceased unless you are an essential employee to an essential business. So glad I work from home.

Jim has to work since he is considered an essential business, but he'd prefer to be working.

This is what I accomplished yesterday.

Jills Shadow Box Quilt
Jill wanted me to bind this for her too and the reason for it being completed. I can't call any of these people to come get their quilts because I'm a non-essential business. But I'm getting a lot done for them so when I can let them in the house, they'll be all ready to go.

But my Jacqueline de Jong pieces blew up all over the studio after working on Jill's quilt. Today needs to be spent getting these out of the way to make room to work on other pieces without having 2" squares flying everywhere.

I'm going to take advantage of the lock-in and work diligently in here for the next three weeks. This way I'll be ready when I need to go outside and start working on the yard/flowers without feeling guilty about customer quilts being neglected. I've chosen to look at this in a positive light rather than complaining about it. It's a stay-cation!

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