Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Back on the Border Soap Box

Guys, guys, guys...measure your borders. And I don't mean the width (3", 4" etc.). I mean go to a class, check on YouTube, talk to a seasoned quilt maker, and ask how to correctly measure your borders to get them on your quilt.

IF you choose to not measure them out correctly and just slap them on, this is going to happen to you once it gets to your long armer...

Not measuring your borders results in something like this

And if you butt seam them rather than diagonally seaming them it helps keep everything a little more snug. Diagonally seaming them introduces more bias and again, I find there are issues (curving) when long arming your quilt.

Here's the blocks from Town and Country completed last night...

#197 Bird Bath

#198 Dog House

#199 Apple Tree

Here's what's on the frame this morning. 

Peggy's snuggly embroidered top

It's a sunny day and we have visitors expected off and on for our 36th wedding anniversary. Don't know how much of this I'll get done today, but will try my best. 

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