Friday, April 9, 2021

Ring Turning (Again)

So our water situation isn't resolved. The middle kid is coming up tonight and maybe tomorrow he can drain the holding tanks and see what's going on down there. We are about out of inexpensive options at this point. 

Funeral yesterday (the reason for not blogging). Jim's cousin Bill Daman passed away earlier this week and was a Vietnam veteran as well as a host of other things. He received a military ceremony, which I have never been a part of. I NEVER cry at funerals. (Don't ask). I make jokes and try to get people to laugh instead of crying because crying gives you a headache. After the 5 gun salute and the presentation of the flag to his wife, a tear actually came to my eye. 

I'm a veteran and felt her loss so deeply when they placed the Stars and Stripes in her hands. Rest in Peace Bill Daman.

I had to do some sewing when I (finally) arrived back home. Here are the blocks from the previous two days on the Town and Country top.

#192 Flowers and Bee

#194 Lamp Post

#193 Fence & Flowers

#195 Flowers
And these four concluded the two side rows. After making the block above I was able to get the side rows sewn into the top that's already together. 

We have chaos happening tomorrow. The "B's" will be here tonight. Jim's mom is coming down with Jim's sister, my mom is coming over, and Jim is calling his Aunt June to see if she'd like to come up as well. And we're not putting Hazel in daycare; thus the chaos. Today will be spent preparing for most of that. I hope to get some sewing in at some point, but I'm not holding my breath. 

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