Saturday, March 30, 2024

Process and Happy Easter Weekend

The process of quilting accurately requires some marking. Now this is what I call a crap load of marking!

All those chalk marks
I will NEVER, EVER mark your quilt with something that can't be brushed away or spritzed with water to remove. 

On a positive note, the Jacqueline quilt is done. The quilting Gods were with me yesterday in that there were no interruptions to distract my focus. It's still hanging out on the frame waiting for the markings to disappear and I'll load later today prepare for Monday. 

We have already been to town to pick up wood for the pocket door encasement. Jim is hammering away at trim around the windows and I'm going out to work on severe cracks in the flooring before we poly next week. 

Here's the next quilt up on Bernie...

Dianes flannel beauty
Don't have a clue what I'm putting in here yet, but it's going to hang out for a while since I have a few deadlines I need to deal with on DW this week. 

I did get one more block done on the Cabin quilt last night after shutting down the long arm (around 7:00) and can maybe get another done later today. Happy Easter weekend!

Friday, March 29, 2024

Make That 17

I'm now onto my 17th thread color in the Jacqueline quilt. 

Here are some pics from yesterdays quilting adventures...

This took forever to get in here

Woodgrain for the termite

And here's the big blue bug again

The quilts last row
It's now finished and I'm waiting for the air erasable marks to disappear before unloading. You're probably wondering what the big blue bug is about. Google it and you'll discover the history behind the bug and how famous it is in the state of Rhode Island. 

I moved over to the Jacqueline shortly after Jim arrived home for the day. I may (that's a big 'may' there) get that one completed today. I don't know. There's still a lot to do and I'm barely 75% through it. 

Not expecting anybody today and the sun is shining so nicely (but it's cold out) which will make for a good quilting day.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Thread Changes

A lot of long armers out there won't change threads. You pick one (or they will for you) and that's the color thread you get throughout the quilt. And that's fine if you're okay with that. But as long as I'm doing custom work, I'll change threads as much as needed. It only takes an additional minute and isn't your quilt worth it?  

The quilt I'm doing for Ann V has 10 different colored top threads and two different bobbin colors. The Jacqueline has 16 different top threads and six different bobbin colors. And, for me, it's a little break in the quilting and offers a chance for me to stretch and play with the girls for a bit. 

Here' some more of the quilting going into Ann V's quilt...

Filler for the state block

A fun little filler for Godzilla

Wind and waves being worked in here
Hopefully this quilt will be done today barring any interruptions. The neighbors are supposed to be up later but they usually arrive in the evening. No [new] studio work last night; we had to run to get some groceries since we skipped last week. That's always a treat when you get the check out isn't it? 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Routine or Rut?

I have a specific routine I follow nearly every morning. If the routine is messed up or altered, I become agitated. So do the dogs. Is my agitation a sign of my entering into a rut? Or is my routine that important? 

It's the question of the day. 

Here's some of the blocks going into Ann V's. quilt...

Swimming with the squid

Pretty flower

Maple leave fence
I am nearly half-way done with this quilt and after working on it for about seven hours, switched over to DW to work on the Jacqueline quilt. It's coming along and I'm just over half-way on that one as well. 

More of the same today. My yesterday customer rescheduled because of wind and grandkids and I'm not expecting anybody today. Should be a productive day and with the cloudy, windy, cold day it's perfect for staying in.

Jim worked on the interior window trims last night in the new studio. Not much to see but here is the first piece...

Not a great pic with the crappy weather

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Feeling a Bit Better

After "resting" for most of yesterday morning I feel a little better today. I did work late last night to make up for the "morning off" time while Jim was putting up most of the rest of the east siding on the new studio. 

Here's some of the quilting going into Ann V.'s quilt...

Getting the borders in
Each of the blocks will receive individual treatments and I'll post those as I complete them. I had two customers yesterday; one to pick up late afternoon and another dropped off early evening. I switched over to DW after they left and worked down to the half-way point on some of the colors. 

I'll be working Ann's quilt most of the day today. I have a customer coming to pick up right after lunch, but that's all I know of as of right now. 

Monday, March 25, 2024


I'm feeling kind of ooogggie today. I may just take this morning off and be quiet. Not sure what's going on. It's nothing specific but I'm very tired and groggy moving; like I'm slogging in pudding. That can't be good when long arming customer quilts. 

I did make another block in the Cabin quilt and this is where I ended for the weekend...

The beginning

Sunday, March 24, 2024

New Project(s)

Yesterday morning while Jim was working in the new studio (there's not much for me to help right now), I long armed on the Jacqueline quilt and then in the afternoon, got this cute little wall hanging put together...

Another cute Amy Bradley design
This all needs to be blanket stitched, and that machine is under the pressing table. And, there's really no where to set it up. It's just going to have to hang out for a few months until I get my table back in the new studio. 

Once that was done (it didn't take too long) I started this project...
Once Upon a Cabin
I picked this up a couple of years ago at Elm Creek and just found it at the bottom of the bin. I have the peak block and the two blocks in the upper right hand side already constructed as well as the roof/sky area. 

MSU lost in their next round of b-ball against North Carolina so we're all done with basketball season now.

This is what Jim completed this weekend out in the new studio...

Installing the pocket door

Adding the vanity handle

Stairs to the crawl space

Starting the accent wall in the bathroom
He also finished getting the trim around all the interior windows and started filling in on the people door adjoining the two structures. 

Hair cuts this morning and I'll work the next block in my Once Upon a Cabin quilt before we relax for the rest of the afternoon. 

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Sunny Saturday

Along with the sun we have a nice couple of inches of snow sparkling in the light. So pretty.

I'm going to work this morning while Jim does more in the new studio. We have nothing for lunch so we need to run into town at some point. We didn't go grocery shopping this week so we're lacking. 

Bernadettes quilt is done and I'm frame ironing for the next one (Ann V. your Rhode Island quilt is up next), and while doing that, and as predicted, I did more work on the Jacqueline deJonge piece...

What's with the white stuff?
Most long armers mark each quilt as they work to make sure staying within boundaries and giving a guide to where we intend to head is met. Here's the same corner without marks...
See...all gone
The marks are made entirely with water or water/air soluble marking devices. I will NEVER use heat (Frixion) pens on your quilt. EVER! These particular marks are made with Pounce chalk, which brushes away with the free toothbrush I get from the dentist office. Thank you Dr. Allen!

Happy quilt weekend. 

Friday, March 22, 2024

Winter III

We already have a couple of inches on the ground and are expecting more throughout the day. It's a GREAt day to stay in, put on some mellow jazz, and quilt, quilt, quilt. 

Bernadettes quilt is not done (yet) but will be today if the quilt fairies are with me. I'll work on the Jacqueline deJonge on DW while frame ironing for the next Bernie quilt. I have most of the quilting decisions done on that one, which I swear, takes the longest when actually quilting. 

Have already poly'd the door this morning so only one more coat on one more side. That'll be later tonight. 

Today's Instagram Quiltfest question was your favorite quilt. The one everybody, the dogs, and the visiting family members snuggle up with. Well, it's definitely this one!

As Lucy is demonstrating

It's nothing detailed or elaborate. It's just quilted with a wool batt, and quilt shop quality fabrics. THAT makes the difference! Batting more than anything is what give a quilt its drape and snuggle factor, yet folks always want to skip spending money there because they feel like you can't see it so what difference does it make? 

ALL the difference! Fabrics with a good hand are also important but the batting, despite the hidden value of it, is the key. And, quite honestly, the difference between a good batt and a discount batt is about $20 on a queen size quilt. I think I've sang this song before, but it is something I'm passionate about and want to share. Don't skimp on your batting people! Seriously!!!

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Before and After

I worked on Bernadettes quilt most of yesterday. Despite focusing on it and not having any interruptions, I'm only half-way through. I love to look at the tops before and after quilting. Here's an example... 

Before and After
The before is on the left and the after is on the right behind the dead bar. Here's a closer look at one of the blocks...

Pretty cool, huh?
I have a dentist appointment in about 30 minutes and when I get home I have to do some more before and after, but in the new studio. I'm responsible for polyurethane application on the pocket door for the bathroom. I did the one side last night and now that it's dry, I'll apply poly to the other side when I get home so it can dry all day before Jim gets home. 

Then I'll get to quilt. And since I won't have a full day on the machines it's a crap shoot whether I'll finish Bernadettes quilt today. 

Since today also starts March madness for our Spartan team, I'll close with GO GREEN!

Wednesday, March 20, 2024


Doing a Jacqueline deJonge quilt is a quilters Everest. I've attempted one myself and only got through about 1/3 of the pattern and decided to just quilt that. The one I'm quilting for a customer right now is HUGE! After working on it for about five hours, I've gotten the first 12" done. Whew!

Yep, took me five hours
And why did it take me so long? All the marking and color selection takes up a lot of time. 

Marking for the slim sliced triangles
Those are 1/2" intervals, times 98 inches. And that's just the side portion. I'll be chipping away at this intermittently over the next few weeks. The customer isn't going to be back until mid-April so there's no hurries on this one. 

Meanwhile, and while I was working on this piece, I was frame ironing the back for this one now loaded onto Bernie...

Bernadettes Tilda Houses
I don't think there's actually a pattern for this. I think Bernadette selected pieces and parts of a pattern and made this one up. I'll be working on this today. 

BUT...we had severe winds for the time being so I'm going to have to quilt cautiously. They are supposed to calm a bit here shortly and I'll keep an eye on things before actually turning on the machine. I have threads to pick out and design elements to decide on first. 

Jim worked in the new studio last night getting the last of the main floor laid. The closet floors still need to be done, but first the closets themselves need to be finished. He also worked on some of the window trim that hasn't been finished yet but with the gloomy day yesterday he ran out of light. Maybe tonight? 

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Busy Customer Day

I had three sets of customers in and out yesterday. Several were curious about the new addition and that just thrills me. They were so positive and supportive of what we've accomplished and what this is about. I truly needed that. 

I should be done with Bernadette's quilt today. Between the customers and laying flooring last night it just didn't get finished yesterday. I'll start on the large Jacqueline deJonge sitting on DW right now probably after lunch.

At any case, except for a few speciality cuts to tie in the west end, the main flooring is laid. We'll have to do the closets once those are finished here shortly. 

Looking so good
Now that the floor is down, and once the electrician does his thing in two weeks, we'll have to poly the floor a few times. Hopefully it'll get warmer so we can open those windows to air it out once we do. 

Jim has quite a few things to work on out there so I'll just quilt longer in the older studio over the next few weeks while he does his stuff in the new studio. 

No customers expected today (as of right now).

Monday, March 18, 2024

More New Studio Work

Saturday we started right in working on the floor. Then we ran out of both boards and screws. So we were done by early afternoon. Jim went and got more boards and I worked on this...

Easter Eggs!
After finishing this, I still had some "oomph" in me and so I started another little new project for the new studio all while Jim was sanding the boards he just picked up. Pics to come later.

Sunday we met mom for breakfast, ran supply errands, got home mid-afternoon and then watched movies most of the rest of the day. We needed to recharge batteries and Jim had selection Sunday on his radar so working in the new studio wasn't going to happen. Here's where we left off...
Only six more feet left to lay
Customers in and out all day today to both pick up and drop off. It's snowing outside and this will make for great quilting in between customers. 

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Low Key Turns Busy

Except for a nail appointment and some errands, I thought the rest of yesterday would be fairly low key. But then I had a customer come and pick up, several phone calls coming in, and appointments to set for next week. Even though all of that occurred, Debs quilt is done...

Here's the back
I posted the back because there isn't much to see on the front. 

I started working on Bernadettes quilt right after I took Debs off and started frame ironing the next backing on DW...
I think I like flannel the best!
Cotton fabrics are okay, but not very warm. Wool fabrics bunch and shift very easily while piecing and quilting. But flannels are soft, easy to work with, and are a dream to quilt. I'm already about 1/4 of the way done with this piece. 

Meanwhile, later in the evening, was able to load this quilt...
Jacqueline deJonge: Be Colorful
This is going to take some time to quilt. It's 101"x107" and look at all those thread changes! And the planning. This is going to put my brain to good use.

While I was continuing to frame iron this, and while Jim was out sanding more flooring he picked up yesterday, I finished this little piece...

My "invention" panel quilt

We are working in the [new] studio all day today laying flooring and then Jim will start working more on the closet. Or something. After the flooring is all down (I don't know that we have enough to finish today) the rest of the interior is mostly up to him. 

Friday, March 15, 2024


It's been a busy week here on the lake. Rescuing boats, hanging siding, working on flooring, cleaning out flower beds, and of course, quilting. 

Karen R's two quilts are done...

But not without some issues. See the border on the lower right hand corner? If you line the sashing up on the bottom rails (which is true) this is what happened to the right border. Isn't it pretty? 😛

It's done, nonetheless.

Here's what's on DW this morning...

Deb B's cute baby quilt
This isn't getting too much put into it, but it's still custom and it'll still take most of today to complete. 

I'm frame ironing on Bernie right now so nothing to show there yet. Nails this morning and then I'll be right back (my drop off later was cancelled). 

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Late Start

Getting a little late start this morning. Very sore from doing all the flower bed clean-up and siding work.

Paulette's quilt is done! I'm just waiting for the registration marks to fade before taking it off the frame. With the rainy day we're having it should be off by lunch.

And another finish
I'll be working Karen R's second quilt today while frame ironing for the next one on DW. We didn't get all the siding up last night. We were fighting with measurements and mosquitoes. Wow, were they out in full force!

Only the top two rows to do
Did I mention yesterday that we've been so warm the past two days the frogs are already peeping? And were they ever loud last night when I took the girls out for their evening duty. At least they'll have an abundance of mosquitoes to eat. 

Late start in the studio tomorrow as well. Nails, quilt drop off and other miscellaneous errands to do since I was pardoned from jury duty this week. Yay. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

We Passed!

Only one more inspection to go and that's the final. But our electrician needs to come in and do his thing first. 

Paulette's quilt is not finished, but hopefully today. As soon as Jim came home we were out on the east side (the lake side) working siding. We had a little disagreement on how to begin the starter strip and after getting the first piece of siding on, had to rip everything off and start again. This is where we ended last night...

Getting the east side started
I've been participating in the Instagram fest this year (I usually skip it) and today's prompt is WIP's; Works In Progress. I snagged this pic this morning while the sun was playing nice...

Those totes are full. The tops of the totes are becoming full and I still have a few more to add to the pile once I get them done. Do I have a few unquieted tops to work? Nooooo...not at all. 

But customers come first and that's why I'm getting a third machine. Just to do MY tops in my spare time. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2024


We have yet another inspection on the addition. This one is mechanical; plumbing and heating. Gaaa...when does it end? According to Jim, we should only have one more after this one; the final. 

Meanwhile, I long armed after Jim got home for a while until my eyes started crossing, and then I went out and helped get that short north section of the west side done. Except for the facia, the west end is complete. 

Almost there on the west end
We're starting the east side (probably) tonight. That's the side that faces the lake. And, we still have the gable section to do on the south side (the one that faces the neighbors). 

I did get a lot of long arming done yesterday, but this quilt is taking longer than I expected. I'm near the half-way point starting out today. 

Some of the quilting
I'm having to ghost stitch in a few of those arcs to make the center feathers work. I had to draw and make a template to follow to do that and then trace the template onto the quilt to work it in. All time. But since I'm up earlier than usual, and since I don't know when Mr. Inspector is going to arrive, I'll start long arming an hour earlier and hopefully crank on this today. 

Monday, March 11, 2024

Productive and Lazy Weekend

Jim and I were very productive in the morning/early afternoon both on Saturday and Sunday. And then after lunch we pretty much ran out of gas. 

I got the center of this top put together and am now working through the borders...

Panel Quilt
...all while Jim was sanding the floor boards he picked up on Friday. I also loaded this top of Karens...
Karen R's second Sue Spargo top
Sunday was working flooring all morning/early afternoon. Here's where we left off before running out of boards (and steam)...
Over 2/3's of the way done
He has to find more boards somewhere since he bought out the Amish man he purchased these from. 

And is it really after 10:00? I dislike the time change; I feel behind the eight ball for a few weeks when it does this. I couldn't get to sleep until well after 2:00 this morning so I'm lagging.  

Paulette's quilt on DW will be worked on through most of today. Maybe the sunshine will perk me up?

Saturday, March 9, 2024

A Productive Friday

After working on Karen R.'s first Sue Spurge quilt on Bernie...

Love the texture in a wool quilt
I started in on Paulette's quilt on DW. I have the setting triangles quilted out and then Jim arrived home for the weekend. We needed to get some groceries. And, mail Donna's quilt. And, other things. 

We didn't get home until nearly dark and it rained the whole time we were away. I noticed this morning that the lake is up quite a bit (for a temporary time being). 

I'm going to be frame ironing for Karens second quilt today while fiddling around in both the old and new studio. Not sure yet where I'm going in either, but I'm sure there's plenty to keep me entertained. 

Friday, March 8, 2024

Favorite Jeans

Do you have that favorite pair of jeans/pants? The ones the hug you in all the right places and are so comfortable? I have a favorite pair of leggings like that. I've menobellied right out of all of my jeans, so leggings are the norm for me any more. 

The same holds true with my long arms. DW is my favorite pair of jeans. He nearly always behaves and will subtly let me know when he needs a little attention. Bernie, however, is giving DW a run for his money and he's quickly earning my trust and faith in him. Just like that next pair of jeans that are nearly as comfortable, but not quite yet.

Here is some of the quilting that went into Beth's granddaughters quilt yesterday...

This is the back
I could not even pick up a pic off the front because the thread blended so well.

Here's what's on DW this morning...
Paulette's Ring Toss
I spent some time working on what I was going to put into this quilt last night after we worked on siding. But I still have some areas to think/plan through. 

Meanwhile, this is on Bernie this morning...

Karen R.'s Woodland Animals by Sue Spargo
I love to do Sue Spargo quilts. Wool quilts so very well.

I had a customer come and pick up yesterday. The plumber did indeed arrive and now we have a third functioning bathroom. We just need to install the door and finish the floor. The plumber (Randy) went above and beyond his quote and didn't charge us a dime more. I'll recommend Randy's Plumbing to anybody who wants/needs plumbing work done!!!

Working/Functioning Bathroom
After all the afternoon chaos and working in the old studio for the day, Jim and I, once again, started in on the siding on the west side. Except for another two channel locks and small pieces of siding near the soffit, the west side is done. 

Looking more like a whole house
The eavestrough and downspout between the two stuctures make the main house look like it's leaning. LOL. Isn't early spring just a dreary kind of time of year? I'm ready for the grass to green up and not look so dead. 

Jim needs to pick up more flooring today and since we're expecting rain most of tonight and part of tomorrow, we'll work indoors. And now that the plumber is finished, he can also work on the second part of the closet. But today I fire up the machines and enjoy this did-not-need-to-report-for-jury-duty Friday. 

Digitized Edge to Edge

I have a computer (the Pro Stitcher) that drives all the edge-to-edge motifs on customer quilts. If they request it. I don't like using ...