Thursday, March 7, 2024

At A Stand Still

I'm at a stand still in the [old] studio right now. I'm frame ironing on Bernie and I'm waiting for a call back for the one on DW. She did text me a message last night but there is still some clarification I need before proceeding. 

Meanwhile, here's some of how Onita's baby quilt turned out yesterday...

Onitas adorable baby quilt
I hate bras. Just sayin'!

We worked on the siding on the west side some more last night. We would have continued but it was becoming increasingly colder as the day came to a close and Jim was afraid we would shatter the siding as we were nailing it in. 

More siding added
Good news! The plumber is supposed to be here later this morning; in about an hour. We'll have a third working bathroom and then Jim can proceed with more closet building. He didn't want to have the plumber climbing into an even smaller crawl space hole than he's having to already do; part of the closet is going to cover the crawl space availability. 

I'll find out later tonight if I have jury duty starting tomorrow. We can't call until after 5pm to find out, which to me is extremely inconsiderate. But, I feel like it's my civic duty. 

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