Friday, March 15, 2024


It's been a busy week here on the lake. Rescuing boats, hanging siding, working on flooring, cleaning out flower beds, and of course, quilting. 

Karen R's two quilts are done...

But not without some issues. See the border on the lower right hand corner? If you line the sashing up on the bottom rails (which is true) this is what happened to the right border. Isn't it pretty? 😛

It's done, nonetheless.

Here's what's on DW this morning...

Deb B's cute baby quilt
This isn't getting too much put into it, but it's still custom and it'll still take most of today to complete. 

I'm frame ironing on Bernie right now so nothing to show there yet. Nails this morning and then I'll be right back (my drop off later was cancelled). 

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