Monday, March 11, 2024

Productive and Lazy Weekend

Jim and I were very productive in the morning/early afternoon both on Saturday and Sunday. And then after lunch we pretty much ran out of gas. 

I got the center of this top put together and am now working through the borders...

Panel Quilt
...all while Jim was sanding the floor boards he picked up on Friday. I also loaded this top of Karens...
Karen R's second Sue Spargo top
Sunday was working flooring all morning/early afternoon. Here's where we left off before running out of boards (and steam)...
Over 2/3's of the way done
He has to find more boards somewhere since he bought out the Amish man he purchased these from. 

And is it really after 10:00? I dislike the time change; I feel behind the eight ball for a few weeks when it does this. I couldn't get to sleep until well after 2:00 this morning so I'm lagging.  

Paulette's quilt on DW will be worked on through most of today. Maybe the sunshine will perk me up?

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