Thursday, July 18, 2024

Kind of the Same

I spent yesterday morning trying to find a particular quilt top I made for my two-year old grandson. I pulled everything out of both of my flimsy totes and came up empty. I then remembered I had already quilted it. Now I just need to find it out in the garage in the finished totes. 

While I was digging around in the flimsy totes, I said to myself, self, why am I trying to find backings for some of these when I have plenty of backs for a lot of these. It was then I made a decision. I'm going to quilt the tops I have backs for first, then I'll worry about the rest later. The one that ended up on top of the pile was an oldie but a goodie...Arcadia Avenue. I threw the back on to frame iron while I worked yesterday so I could dig in after hours. 

I'm working on another banner on Bernie. It's a little different than the previous banner I finished yesterday morning...

Happy Birthday Banner

After shutting down Bernie around 4:30, I moved over to Foster to start Arcadia. Here's what I have in the border...

Cool border!
I also loaded up DW so when I finish the second banner on Bernie this morning I can move over to start in on that one. 

A Harley Davidson quilt top
This is made entirely of handkerchiefs and should be interesting on how it quilts up. 

While Jim and I were eating lunch we noticed it getting really dark outside. We received a blow-by storm with wind, sideways rain, and hail. Jims garden took it pretty good, but it did do some damage to the peppers and a few tomatoes.

Poor pepper plant
Much of the same happening in the studio today. Temps are much better; mid 70's expected with lower humidity. Relief at last!

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