Friday, May 28, 2021

Just When Things Are Returning to Normal...

...the holiday weekend creeps up on you. Yesterday was a "normal" studio day. The weather was cold, rainy, and windy. Perfect for working in here. I did some long arming (Diana's quilt is done). I did some top construction, I did some cutting, I loaded another quilt on the frame, had a customer stop by to pick up her quilt and mom stopped by. I never left the studio until 9:00 last night.  

The "yellow" rows are all attached
I cut for the next round of blocks as well as the batting that goes with.

For the grandkids
I had to stop working on this yesterday because the ole' back was starting to have a fit. I'll continue on with this today until customers show up later this morning.

And, I'm so excited! I received an email this morning from a company called Cotton Cuts. They are doing a mystery quilt starting in July. The two mystery quilt things I've participated in previously turned out extremely wrong. But this company provides the directions, the fabric (eight colors) and free shipping. It starts in late July, which means all my WIPs should be done by then. I hope. 

It'll be great working on a new project with like-minded people and with fabrics I don't have to think about trying to make work together. Yay! 

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Project Inter-ruptess

Having to go into town for a few items seems quick enough, right? How come errands always take way longer than they should? I never got on the long arm until well after lunch.

Had a new customer stop by yesterday and drop off two tops. Have another coming today to pick up. Have two more repeat customers coming by tomorrow to drop off two tops. And...the kids are coming up this weekend. 

My goal today is to get Diana's top finished. I'm only two rolls away from completing it. I have some yard work to do and need to get ready for the kids/grandkids to arrive (put stuff away, get their "tent" made, etc.). I would like to also quilt their roadway play mat. 

I did get these six Town and Country blocks completed last night in anticipation of not being able to work many over the Memorial Day weekend.

#'s 284-289: Quilt Shop, Tree, High House, Ice Cream Cart, House, and Corner Plants
These six blocks finish the yellow round! They still need to be attached (it was already nearly 9:00 when I finished last night). Maybe I can slip in some time to cut background blocks for the next round in my already busy day/weekend after getting these attached? 

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Good Check-Up

We were called on Monday for Jim's Thursday appointment this week to be changed to yesterday. Back to Grand Rapids we go. He received a good check up and can now start putting weight on his ankle in increments of 25 lbs/4 days. 

My back, which I wrenched working on Diana's quilt, has been an issue and so Diana's quilt has been intermittently worked on throughout the last few days. Still not completed. But, while recovering from said back injury, have been doing low-impact Town and Country block construction.

#'s 278-283: Tree, Clock Shop, Library, Fast Food Shop, House, and Cat on a Bench

No Town and Country blocks were made yesterday. How come driving around the countryside wears one out so? I didn't have the energy to work on even one block last night. 

I have a new customer coming today to drop off two tops and then another customer coming tomorrow to pick up her completed quilt. Maybe between the two days I can get Diana's top done?

Saturday, May 22, 2021


Yesterday started out with just a small appointment in the morning. It ended up turning into an all day affair with my not getting home to do anything until well after 5:00. I did mow and trim and then after showering (again) did some T&C Blocks. 

The previous day this was loaded and will be worked on over the next week...

Diana's Wool Applique Garden
I wrenched my back sometime between Thursday and yesterday long arming this piece. I have a tendency to hollow out my back when I'm long arming and I was kind of nervous about this top at first so probably a little tense in my stance/quilting until I got into things. No long arming this weekend to try to calm this back situation down. 

Here are the T&C blocks built over the previous two days...

#'s 273-275: Corner Tree, Barber Shop, and Pet Shop
The three above were from Thursday and the two below from yesterday.
#276-Church and #277 Internet Cafe
I'll be doing more of these over the next two days to give the back a rest. 

I should take a look at my "schedule" to see where I am for time. Did I mention my goal is to have this top done by Independence Day? That's only 43 days away and I have 88 more to go as well as the outer border to build and attach. 

I need to do an average of 2.04 blocks per day. If I take advantage (if you could call it that) of the back situation, I should be able to crank out more than four this weekend and to plan for the upcoming holiday weekend where sewing time will certainly be lost with all the neighbors coming up. Let's go!

Thursday, May 20, 2021

We Need Rain!

We got about eight drops last night and another eight this morning. It didn't even cover the deck. Isn't it funny that a year ago we received over nine inches in one day and this year we are so very dry? No measurable rain in over three weeks. 

While Mickey's quilt was being computer stitched I was able to work on some Town and Country blocks. Several actually. Enough to get the third round of the yellow on. 

#'s265-270: Holiday Park Sign, Holiday Park Tent x 2, Holiday Park Caravan, Camping Supplies and Swimming Pool

Once the third round was added to the top, I had enough time in my day to get two more done for the last round of yellow.

#'s 271-272: Trees and Corner Doggy Doo
Mickey's quilt is quilted but I still need to unload, trim, and call her to let her know it's done. 

Not sure what's in store for today. It'll be a surprise I guess. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

(Un)happy Flood-iversary.

One year ago today our lake was flooded...

1-Year Ago

It'll be another couple of years before we recover and get our lake back because after the flood, the levees downstream broke losing some of our water.

I had to run errands yesterday morning and it was such a beautiful day to do them. Sunny, mid-70's (turning into low 80's later), and a light variable wind. After lunch we decided we could get the garden in since temp predictions are expected to be well above freezing for the next 10 days. Back out I go.

Jim's garden is planted, two new raspberries reside in the mid garden, four Snapdragons reside in the rail fence garden, eight new Marigolds live in pots around the deck, and everybody was brought lake water to settle into their new homes. 

I weed wacked after all that and then push mowed the trim where the rider couldn't reach. I am covered in bug bites so I'm staying inside today despite it looking like it's going to be another warm, although somewhat overcast, day. I have tops to quilt for people and that's the priority for the next few days. I hope.

Here's what I did do on Town and Country last night after taking [another] shower. 

#'s 263 and 264-Cottage and Joe the Grocer (she had Tom but I changed it)
Here's what's on the frame this morning (that should have been done yesterday)...
Mickey's top to E2E today
Did I post a pic of what I did the other day?
Giraffe's in a Row
Customer coming this morning to pick up (just got a call) so off I go to stay away from bugs. 

Monday, May 17, 2021

Despite Good Intentions...

...yesterday was pretty much a bust in here. I guess I needed a day to decompress. Once I ate lunch and started watching movies, the remainder of the day was a loss. 

I did get a few Town and Country blocks done before I deflated though.

#261 and 262-Retirement Homes and Sunny View Motel

I have a  quilt to remove from the frame and get binding on this morning. I have another few to choose from to load, it's going to be another picture perfect spring day so mowing and other yard work will likely happen after my work day in here. 

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Flea Markets, Yard Work and No Studio Time?

Friday was spent with mom at the Flea Market and Quilt Auction. I didn't dare enter the barn with the quilt auction happening; I have enough of my own quilt tops to long arm and do not need to add more. I purchased some things for Hazel more than anything else at the flea market. 

It was good to be out with people again. Truly, I didn't realize how much I missed just shopping and wandering with other humans until Friday. It was wonderful!

I did manage to get these three blocks done on Town and Country when I got home...

#256-258: Corner-Private, Dentist, and Doctor
The second side is attached to the top now.

Second side is attached
Yesterday (Saturday) was a gorgeous day weather-wise. Mid 70's, slight breeze, very little bugs out yet. I delivered Paulettes' baby quilt and visited with her guild members during the morning. After lunch I worked in the yard. All. Afternoon! Mom stopped by for a visit mid-way through the yard work for a nice break. 

Once done with yard work I was able to muster out two more Town and Country blocks despite my being totally exhausted. 

#259-260: Retirement Village and Retirement Home
I really (really) want to start something small and new today but since I still have 105 Town and Country blocks to do, I must persevere in that direction. 

It's been a hellaciously busy week this week and I hope to just relax and work on as many of these as possible today all while relaxing and enjoying an overcast and not very nice day outside. Rain is coming soon...but we've heard that before and it hasn't happened...maybe today??? 

Thursday, May 13, 2021

A Normal Day

Today should be fairly normal in here. Although, summer has a different norm than the winters do; more yard work and neighbors.

Paulette's quilt was finished yesterday and this is on the frame this morning...

Capt. Morgans Top
This piece is getting a Baptist Fan edge to edge today which I'll set up here shortly. While loading the backing on this piece (it needed to be frame pressed), I worked on a few of the Town and Country blocks. These three were completed at the end of the evening:

#'s 253-255: Post Shop, Laundromat, and Salon
And now I'm at the corner getting ready to start another row. I'll get these last set stitched together and attached with I get done with Emily's quilt because I have to bind her quilt for her (she's one of three I'll do this for) and I attach the walking foot for both the binding and the construction of the Town and Country rows. 

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Even Though Travel Happened...

...I was able to get a few Town and Country blocks done last night upon our return.

#251 and 252-Art Gallery and Gift Shop
It's a long trip to and from Grand Rapids; three hours one way without any stops. My butt isn't used to sitting all that long and it wears one out when not acclimated to spending that much time in a vehicle. 

Today I'm going to finish Paulette's top. Do a few more Town and Country blocks. Enjoy the sunshine coming into the studio all while dancing to some tunes during the work day. 

Tuesday, May 11, 2021


Life likes to throw hiccups into our faces. Jim's GP said we needed to go see his specialist today. So...we are. It's a three hour trip just to get there and so it eats the whole day up. And then there's Hazel. We were able to get her into 2Canns for daycare (I love Luann!) even though she's dealing with a doggie situation herself this morning. [tear]. 

I was able to get some long arming done during part of yesterday.

Here's the current frame occupant...

Paulette's Baby Top
Isn't this just darling? Here is a little of the detail being put into this splendid piece of work...

Just getting started
Unfortunately, we'll be gone through most of this afternoon. And this morning is looking crazy already. 

Monday, May 10, 2021

Not Much...

...happened in the studio this weekend other than trying to keep the grandkids out of it. I did get one Town and Country block done Friday afternoon before their arrival.

#250 Daycare Center
The pattern writer called this a Childcare center but I changed it. 

Becky's quilt is finished. Finally! I have to remove it this morning (kept it on the frame over the weekend out of the grandkids' reach) and trim and then call her, but the long arming is completed. Once that's completely done I have another top that came in Friday for Paulette that I'm going to push in front of the other ones laying in wait.

Pics of that quilt to come since it's gorgeous! 

The kids were here until late Saturday night and we gutted and rebuilt two flower beds. Well, I had already gutted the one, but the landscape cloth and a little more gutting happened before the mulch was thrown down.

I took my oldest granddaughter, Hannah, for a quick trip into town Saturday morning after breakfast and then once we returned we got back into the very neglected flower bed out by the Maple Tree and Lilac bush. It hadn't been touched (hardly) since we moved in three years ago. Both beds look completely different and it's nice to look out the west windows and see the progress we made. 

After returning from a brunch with my mom and brother yesterday afternoon I HAD to jump on the mower and get our first mow done. The grass is still growing slowly since we are near or at freezing temps at night, but it's growing nonetheless. And then I had to trim since Jim can't do anything at all yet with the ankle thing. 

Speaking of which, we have to run into his GP later today to check out one of his incisions. It's oozing (still) and does not smell very well. At all. So we need to make sure there isn't any infection and to have it cleaned. And I will need to finish trimming tonight since my weed whacker ran out of battery half way through last night. A fun-filled full day ahead. 

Friday, May 7, 2021

Goals Written in Sand

It's great we have goals written in the sand and not in stone because yesterday was one of those days where I had great intentions, yet life presented itself in full force.

After intermittently long arming Becky's quilt between customers and my mom coming to visit I still wasn't done by late afternoon. But I had lost my mojo and shut the long arm off. I took the cold, rainy evening and worked on the Town and Country blocks needed from both yesterday and today.

#246-249: Sweet Shop, General Store, Gate, and Cafe
Customers coming again today to both pick up and drop off. Long arming (to hopefully finally finish Becky's quilt), Town and Country, and there's a 50/50 chance the kids will be heading this way tonight. brother is coming tomorrow for a visit with mom for Mothers Day weekend. presents itself again and more lost studio time. Good thing I don't have anything super pressing to work on, yet, I get a little antsy about it and start putting pressure on myself to get caught up after weekends such as these. 

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Sore, Sore, Sore

It got a little warmer yesterday and found myself out working in a rather overgrown flower bed to eradicate weeds/grasses. It should have been an hour job at the outside but turned into a three to four hour situation. And...I'm still not done. 

I have laid out the new perimeter blocks but will have to actually take those back up to get in some landscape cloth before laying down wood chips. The wind was being stupid up until sundown so that wasn't going to happen last night. 

Becky's quilt is half finished and here is some quilting detail going into it...

What rulers can do
I'm posting this pic, which looks almost like the previous pic, to show how much ditching makes a difference (which is the only difference in the two pics) on a quilt. 

Borders not yet ditched
I'm turning into a ruler junkie I think. Caleb and Lia got me a set of the swag rulers for Christmas and I love them! Here are some of the tools of the trade being used on Becky's quilt...

The rulers being used on this project
I have a new quilt coming in later this morning and mom is stopping by later this afternoon. I'll long arm in between as much as I can and hope to get Becky's quilt done today. No Town and Country blocks were completed last night (sad face) because of the flower bed situation mentioned above. 

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Errands and Such

We all need to run errands on occasion. Hazel needed to head to the groomer and while I was half way to Midland, did some grocery shopping as well as a few other stops. They get in the way of business but are necessary nonetheless.

Once returning in the late afternoon, I started to load this and then finished loading this morning...

Becky's Christmas Card Top

I think this piece is going to require a lot of ruler work so it may take a few days to complete. 

I worked on a few Town and Country blocks and also worked on the childs/doll quilt the customer dropped in my lap a few Saturday's ago. This is the second commission piece I was hired to do. Once it's completed I'll post a pic.

#244 and 245-Come On Inn and Country Bank
The Inn was supposed to be just "Come Inn" but I renamed it with the "on" in the middle. 

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Quilt While You Wait

Our downstate visitors were here before 10:00 and we got their large twin/small queen done in four hours. No pics because we were hustling, but Christine kept me company throughout most of the process and it was nice to catch up with old friends.

After they left, my arm was rubber, so I didn't load for today. I did, however, manage to get three Town and Country blocks worked as well as the first yellow row attached to the quilt.

First new row added on

#'s 241-243 Dog Groomer, House, and Information Centre
She actually had the Dog Groomer as the Dog Parlour, but I changed it. 

Errands today. Hazel is going to the groomer and while I'm halfway to Midland I may as well continue on and get groceries for this weekend (the kids are coming back up for a work weekend again). 

Monday, May 3, 2021

Happy Visitors

The previous president of the guild I belonged to downstate (ASQ) is coming up with her husband today for a visit. Well...and to have me quilt a t-shirt quilt their machine refuses to behave on. 

This is what was done over the weekend:

Commission piece #2
This commission piece is from a non-quilter who just happened on our doorstep last Saturday. The ruffle was already put onto the top and so I'm going to have to hand stitch it down underneath once the top is actually quilted. 
#240 Ice Cream Truck

#239 Craft Supplies

#238 Motor Cycle

#237 Delivery Van
Paulette is coming later today also to pick up her beautiful bargello in the round and to drop off another large baby quilt. 

The T-Shirt quilt coming shortly is a quilt-while-you-wait situation since they've driven over two hours to get here. They don't want to make the trek back up to have to get it so the pressure is on. Should be interesting since I've never had to quilt under this much pressure before. 

Digitized Edge to Edge

I have a computer (the Pro Stitcher) that drives all the edge-to-edge motifs on customer quilts. If they request it. I don't like using ...