Sunday, May 16, 2021

Flea Markets, Yard Work and No Studio Time?

Friday was spent with mom at the Flea Market and Quilt Auction. I didn't dare enter the barn with the quilt auction happening; I have enough of my own quilt tops to long arm and do not need to add more. I purchased some things for Hazel more than anything else at the flea market. 

It was good to be out with people again. Truly, I didn't realize how much I missed just shopping and wandering with other humans until Friday. It was wonderful!

I did manage to get these three blocks done on Town and Country when I got home...

#256-258: Corner-Private, Dentist, and Doctor
The second side is attached to the top now.

Second side is attached
Yesterday (Saturday) was a gorgeous day weather-wise. Mid 70's, slight breeze, very little bugs out yet. I delivered Paulettes' baby quilt and visited with her guild members during the morning. After lunch I worked in the yard. All. Afternoon! Mom stopped by for a visit mid-way through the yard work for a nice break. 

Once done with yard work I was able to muster out two more Town and Country blocks despite my being totally exhausted. 

#259-260: Retirement Village and Retirement Home
I really (really) want to start something small and new today but since I still have 105 Town and Country blocks to do, I must persevere in that direction. 

It's been a hellaciously busy week this week and I hope to just relax and work on as many of these as possible today all while relaxing and enjoying an overcast and not very nice day outside. Rain is coming soon...but we've heard that before and it hasn't happened...maybe today??? 

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