Friday, May 7, 2021

Goals Written in Sand

It's great we have goals written in the sand and not in stone because yesterday was one of those days where I had great intentions, yet life presented itself in full force.

After intermittently long arming Becky's quilt between customers and my mom coming to visit I still wasn't done by late afternoon. But I had lost my mojo and shut the long arm off. I took the cold, rainy evening and worked on the Town and Country blocks needed from both yesterday and today.

#246-249: Sweet Shop, General Store, Gate, and Cafe
Customers coming again today to both pick up and drop off. Long arming (to hopefully finally finish Becky's quilt), Town and Country, and there's a 50/50 chance the kids will be heading this way tonight. brother is coming tomorrow for a visit with mom for Mothers Day weekend. presents itself again and more lost studio time. Good thing I don't have anything super pressing to work on, yet, I get a little antsy about it and start putting pressure on myself to get caught up after weekends such as these. 

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