Friday, September 30, 2022


The lighting this time of the year in the studio is weird. The leaves are still on the trees, and the sun is falling in the horizon, giving it an even greater amount of shade (and darkness) despite it being sunny outside. 

I would like to take a kayak ride later today or tomorrow. Check out some of our blooming colors and see what's going on with our dam. I heard some ruckus down there this morning so maybe they're starting?

Mary's quilt was finished yesterday. Then I put on Linda N's top...

Linda's Beautiful Embroidery
And believe it or not, all she wanted in here was a very loose edge-to-edge. I was cringing as it was stitching out. But I selected a very fine thread and it didn't blemish the embroidery at all. 

After that was done, and after lunch was finally eaten, I loaded this quilt top for Joni...

Joni's antique top
She gave me a book that this came out of and it has a very clear pic on the quilting, which is what Joni wants me to put into it. No thinking on my part. 

I got another row done on the 9-Patch quilt-along last night as well as some border work, two long sashings, and three vertical sashings in before I was tired enough to get out of the studio. 

I have two customers coming today; one to pick up and another to drop off. Both of their names end in -ette. Isn't that funny?

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Jim's Home Again

If this man takes more than a day off work, he's certainly not in a good way.  Despite him being home, I still have to work. He's camped out in the spare bedroom downstairs; it's too hard to walk up the stairs since this thing causes one to be very dizzy. 

Lucy is worried about her dad
I'm removing all the markings on Mary's Dream Bigger quilt. Some of them are from the Marks-be-gone water soluble pen, which often times, requires a few treatments before disappearing entirely.

The morning sun really enhances the otherwise obscure quilting
I'm going to remove and trim this piece once all the markings are removed and then load the next one in line. Bernie and I are still getting to know one another (wow, he's so light I'm having to learn how to make circles all over again). I got the first row quilted in the 9-Patch and will work on that some more later tonight. 

At some point, I need to run out for a few supplies, but I'll do that after lunch. Looks like we finally get to see some sun today; it's been gloomy since Sunday so that will make errands much more enjoyable. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Day Four

Did I mention that it takes four days to work one of these Dream Bigger panels? This will be day four and I should be able to finish it up today. 

Here's some more quilting detail on a few of the petals...

Leafy Frond

Fun Circles

Sometimes just a loop meander is all that's needed
Here's a little quilting detail on the Bernie load...
Borders and Sashing are started at least
Customer coming today to drop off. I have another two coming Friday to pick up and drop off both. Looks like things are back to the norm for me. Jim, however, is home sick today. Which is weird. He hasn't been home with me sick since he had his ankle surgery 18 months ago. I hope he doesn't mind all the noise. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Almost There

I worked almost a full day in the studio yesterday. It was well after dark before I came out. I wasn't breaking any speed records but it was wonderful to be back in there!

Here's some of the quilting detail going into the Dream Bigger panel I'm working on...

One of the smaller leaves

Always have to have one spiderweb
I'm just about at the half-way point on this huge project. Here's what's on Bernie this morning...
9-Patch Quilt-along with Natalia Bonner
Natalia is a wonderful quilter, who until recently, quilted for other people. Now she teaches remotely and has her own line of rulers; some of the best in the industry as far as I'm concerned. She has hosted a 9-patch quilt-along three times over the years. I'm going to pull my favorites from her three "classes" and just play with my new ruler base on Bernie over the next couple of days. 

I had to machine piece the backing for this 9-Patch and Ellie sewed it together perfectly. The only other thing I have to do today is make a pot of chili...which I'll do later this afternoon since I don't want to smell like cooked onions all day long. 

Monday, September 26, 2022

Not on Vacation

No. I haven't been absent because I was on vacation. This is where I've been...

Ding. Covid Round 2.
Don't I look excited?

I'm going to try to function today somewhat. I'm already nearly an hour behind my normal day but most everybody has been told to stay away from here. I took advantage of it and caught up on a few chores, slept in, and lallygagged this morning. 

I'm still kind of weak and shaky. I'm not going to be breaking any speed records for anything I do but this is day five and frankly, my butt can't take sitting around any more. 

Jim did some stuff in the studio for me while I was quiet. He hung my autumn banner, vacuumed the studio floor, and got the new Elna set into the table that the HQ Stitch used to sit in. He did a marvelous job!

Ellie's new home
I did get the machine threaded and tested yesterday. It sews like a dream (as does her brother, the Janome 1600P), so I'll be piecing with this machine going forward; when I have the time/health to be able to do so. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Thunder Boomers

Just after waking this morning I heard thunder off in the distance. By 8:30 this morning it looked like it was 8:30 in the evening. Even the mercury and solar lights in the neighborhood were lit. Thankfully, it passed through rather quickly and now it's just really cloudy. Jim called and said there was a rainbow in the NW.

Huge rainbow

I don't long arm during thunder storms. I can't chance the machines getting hit. 

Here's what's on DW this morning...

We've seen one of these before haven't we?

This will be on the frame for the next four days, which is how long it takes me to do one of these Dream Bigger panels. 

The small piece on Bernie is still on Bernie. I've got it about half-way completed and am just putting swirls in there to get a feel for the buttons, machine weight, the performance, and how to handle rolling. 

Jim's been working on the new Elna location. He's modifying the HQ 210 Stitch table to accommodate the more robust machine for me. 

The new machines name will be Ellie
He worked until almost dark on this and said he still has some more stuff to do to on it . He's such a great husband!

One last pic of the quilt I took off yesterday. Eye Candy!

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

And Then There Were Two

A Bernina Q20 and a Handi Quilter Fusion. 

Making the max out of the min

I can't sew/piece much since I'm down to just my little HQ Stitch 210 for domestic machine accessibility, but my love is here with these big machines. I (we) have to figure something else out for the Janome Horizon and my new Elna EF1 (that also arrived yesterday) and the sewing table they usually reside in; which is currently out in the barn in pieces. 

Here's some quilting detail on the Jacqueline piece I'm working on...

Gotta love all that tiny detail work
When I finally got to working yesterday (after my installation guy left at nearly 2:00) I was only able to get about five hours into this. It should be finished up today. 

Once I was done quilting, I worked some more on the Bernina (hereinafter referred to as Bernie). While it looks pretty just sitting there, that's not what it was purchased for and I need to get myself into it quickly. This is what's on Bernie this morning...

One of mine!
Here's the plus side to this machine so far: 1) It's very quiet! 2) It's smaller and less space is required to move around it. 3) It stitches beautifully once you get the thing threaded and tensioned correctly. 4) The lighting is wonderful, even in that dark corner during night time hours. 4) It is very smooth of the frame and the stitches are perfectly spaced!

Here's the downsides I've discovered (but correctable): 1) The take-up leader was installed incorrectly so we have to turn that once this quilt is finished. 2) The dead bar is too close to the head and needs to be raised slightly. 3) I have to pin the backing onto the leaders. Purchasing an additional set of Red Snappers will solve that. 4) There is no way to accurately plumb the top of the quilt. They have channel locks available as an additional purchase so sometime in the future those will be coming. 5) It's set a little too high but I don't have mats in front of it yet to raise me up to where I need to be. I'll be looking for some of those. 6) It's not DW and I'll have to learn my way around this beautiful piece of machinery. Time and use will take care of that. 

I'll know more about the plusses and minuses once I actually get to quilt on it later tonight. So far I've just basted in and played in one tiny corner to check tension, but I'm remaining optimistic since I love to learn and this is my passion. 

Monday, September 19, 2022


Lauren showed up a little after 10:00 this morning and guess what he's up to?

Getting Bernie's frame put together
Looking better but still not there

It's a slow process, but Bernie is at least on the frame now. Still lots to do; getting the poles put on, adding the leaders, the ruler base, and all the ratchets for the poles have to be aligned. I'll be playing tonight on this beautiful baby! 

No other quilting related activity over the weekend. The funeral service Saturday took all day. Yesterday we washed the garage door, Jim cleaned the downstairs shower head, I moved things away from the corner where Lauren is working to give him "construction" space and we binge watched movies all afternoon. 

This afternoon I'll have to put the studio back to rights, move everything back in that was taken out for construction space, and, well, actually work a little bit. 

Friday, September 16, 2022

Summer's Back

Temps to reach into the mid-80's today. Apparently it isn't autumn after all. 

Nails first thing this morning, but afterward a quick trip to Pieces to let them know I'm catching up on the queue, I'm back home and ready to quilt. After Joan's first quilt was finished mid-afternoon yesterday, I loaded this onto the frame...

Shoulda been a tree skirt
This was supposed to be a tree skirt, but Joan made it into a throw quilt. It received a quick edge to edge so was able to get it done by early evening. This is what's on the frame for the weekend...
Lynette's Colorful Dreams by Jacqueline deJonge
This is one of those small-but-mighty quilt projects and the long arming will be not an exception. She gave me a photo of how to quilt it and's going to be a few days. It was starting with the double batting going into it; one layer of poly/silk and then another layer of wool. 

When I have double layers to do, anything requiring free motion (all of the white area) will need to have a foot change done so I don't push the batting along while working. I'm working on stabilizing it right now with the ditching and some basting. 

Tomorrow we have an all day funeral downstate, so no quilting tomorrow. 😒 But I'll chip away at Lynette's quilt as I can throughout the weekend. 

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Loud Geese

I had every intention of sleeping in this morning but the migrating geese had other ideas. We have a wonderful area for them to rest I guess because many of them end up in front of our four properties to feed and get ready for the next leg of their journey. 

Here's some of the quilting detail going into Joan's Baby Blues quilt...

Feathers, Arcs, and Diamonds oh my!

I have one more row and the last border to get in so this should be done today. She has a second one here I'm going to get on next so she doesn't have to make two trips over (up? down?). 

Our neighbors were supposed to roll in last night late, but don't know if they made it. I can't see their driveway from over here. Either way, they'll be here this weekend. And that's just the start. 

Customer coming this morning. Nails tomorrow morning. We have a family funeral downstate on Saturday. I will be getting the studio ready for Bernie on Sunday. I have to get to the Credit Union to pull out funds for the new long arm at some point in all of this; probably Friday after nails. Eek! Isn't it funny how life just coasts along and then all of a sudden things get a little stirred up?

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Cold In The House

I'm about this close to turning the heat on in here. That's what we get for sleeping with our windows open I suppose. 

Here's what's on the frame today...

Joan's Baby Blues for her granddaughter
This has a lot of detail work going into it. I suspect it'll be on the frame for a few days.

The bummer about the new studio arrangement is getting good pics of loaded quilts. The pressing/cutting/audition table is in the way and the doors are positioned badly yielding not-so-good pics. When the new long arm gets here, those tops will get better shots, but on DW I think this is about as good as we're going to get. 

Had a doctor appointment first thing this morning. Had a rather quick growing growth taken off my face. Folks thought it was a piece of food and would tell me about something being on my face. It was time for it to go.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Here Comes Christmas

I received four Christmas tops yesterday. Granted, they aren't due until the next Christmas (2023), but it reminded me about the tops that will be needed for this Christmas. I just hope they don't all come in the day after Thanksgiving. 

Here's some of the quilting detail going into Rae's QOV quilt...

But with all great quilting comes unquilting. You know, the fun thing we call frogging because we get to Riippp-it. 
I had to rip out some oddly formed stitches in three blocks. I'm using King-Tut thread by Superior, and my machine requires I tension it pretty high to get it to quilt properly. Apparently I didn't tension it high enough because as the bobbin was running out, loops formed on the back; and the front. Not acceptable. 

I'll finish this quilt this morning (hopefully) and get the next "needs by the end of the month" quilt loaded and started. In a perfect world this is how I'm hoping the day unfolds. 

Monday, September 12, 2022

Posting Late Today

Was in West Branch all morning for a Northcott Fabrics/Rayola thing at Caroline's Quilt Shop. Wolfed down lunch with Jim and then a new customer came with four! tops. She just left and now I have another on the way to pick up.  

Here's what's on the frame today (and tomorrow apparently since it's already mid-afternoon)...

This is actually a QOV
This particular quilt is getting some computerized things (eagles) in the big light colored blocks, some ruler work in the triangles and four/nine patches, and some free motion in all the long rectangles. 

I started this quilt this weekend...

New Project
Did I tell you about the call I got Friday afternoon? No? Well, the new long arm is in Grand Rapids and is tentatively scheduled to arrive here a week from today. WHAT!?!? So soon? Sooo excited but nervous as well. I hope we've made enough room in the studio for Bernie. We'll find out in a week I guess. 

Friday, September 9, 2022


I was researching needles for the new long arm due in a few weeks. Schmetz? Organ? Klasse? Superior? Which do I use? 

Apparently, according to one dealer, the Organ/Superior needles are made in Japan and are a little longer than the Schmetz needles. They are more suited for the Juki, etc. type of machines made in Japan. 

Schmetz needles are European made and are more suited for the machines made there (mainly paying attention to the new Bernina). They are a little shorter in shaft and apparently, the longer shafted needles will start causing some timing issues; both in domestic machines as well as long arms. I wonder how much of this is true? I'll need to ask my dealer when they come to set Bernie up.

Here's what's on the frame today...

Cathie's Cacti
She just wants an E2E in here so DW will be jamming this morning. It's kind of quiet around here for a Friday, but it is still morning and should pick up later this afternoon. 

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Where's the Color?

I took a kayak ride yesterday down to the dam and noticed that hardly any of the trees are even starting to lighten. It's a late fall start that's for sure.

Speaking of color...this quilt is very neutral but here's some of the quilting going into it...

ALL Ruler work!
This is going to be on the frame during the morning and probably into the afternoon. Notice that I was able to get it flipped around so I could work on it easier. 

Here's a pic of the girls as they were chilling on the couch/ottoman the other night...

Isn't Lucy getting big?

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Is it Wednesday Already?

Here's what's on the frame this morning...

Cathie M.'s "Modern Mountains"
This is all basted in, threads are selected, and I have to pull it off the frame. Note to directions first and think about those before loading. 

The top and bottom (which are currently on the sides) are all straight-line quilting. Why would I take a line of stitches down. Tie off. Start again. About a bazillion times? Or...I can just run a straight line all the way across and it's done. So I'm starting off the morning unsewing. 😢

The light last night, while I was finishing Cynthia's quilt, was filtering through our newly rearranged loft and I was able to capture this pic...

Showing off the quilting
Another beautiful late summer day in store for us today so I'll fire up the tunes, pull out the saddle stool (perfect for frogging), and get to it. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Resuming our Regularly Scheduled Programming

All but one neighbor has departed. They are leaving today and all will be as it usually is around here. I love all the ruckus, but love the peace and quiet too. 

While the neighbors were taking an afternoon siesta yesterday afternoon, Jim made salsa and I decided to make this...

Isn't this cute?
Something else to get on the long arm when I can. Yay. 

I'll [hopefully] finish the quilt up for Cynthia today in between washing all the bedding. I think we're finally out of the 'hotter than hades' weather and can get everything cleaned up for fall. 

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Small Project Friday?

We have a new addition to the "Smallwood Yacht Club". His name is David Paul Custer III and he's such a doll! I got to hold him last night and he's so tiny compared to all the DeGroot babies who come. While mom and dad were at a baseball game last night, I made Paul (not to be confused with his dad/grandpa) a banner for his room with his name on it. His parents were over the moon this morning with it. 

The girls were watching me earlier this week as I was doing chores. Who can resist these faces? I'll be mostly traveling between houses this weekend. Everybody is up and we have a lunch planned for today to celebrate Pauls birth. It's the first time we've all been together since last October. So...not much quilting. 

Good morning world

Friday, September 2, 2022

Labor Day People Arrive

Nobody is arriving to our specific house, but we have neighbors next door, and two doors down who have already started filtering in. Quilting this weekend will be hit and miss. 

Here's some quilting detail going into Cynthias quilt...

Just about half-way through
I'm going to work on this today while the neighbor is moving wood and getting ready for a slight landscape remodel. That, I don't want any part of. I've already moved his wood pile once. 

Jim (I think) is only working a half-day today so he'll be home for lunch and probably to can some more. He put up peaches last night (9 quarts) and all before we went down for campfire. 

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Bad Filling

I have a filling that's crumbling in my mouth. Thankfully, it's not bothersome (yet) and staying on soft-ish foods will probably keep me pain free until the dentist can get me in to deal with this. October 5th is the earliest I can get in. 

Here's what's on the frame today...

Cynthia's Quilt
We've seen this top before; twice in fact. 

Customers in and out all morning. Will work on Cynthias quilt all weekend and happy Labor Day!

Digitized Edge to Edge

I have a computer (the Pro Stitcher) that drives all the edge-to-edge motifs on customer quilts. If they request it. I don't like using ...