Monday, September 26, 2022

Not on Vacation

No. I haven't been absent because I was on vacation. This is where I've been...

Ding. Covid Round 2.
Don't I look excited?

I'm going to try to function today somewhat. I'm already nearly an hour behind my normal day but most everybody has been told to stay away from here. I took advantage of it and caught up on a few chores, slept in, and lallygagged this morning. 

I'm still kind of weak and shaky. I'm not going to be breaking any speed records for anything I do but this is day five and frankly, my butt can't take sitting around any more. 

Jim did some stuff in the studio for me while I was quiet. He hung my autumn banner, vacuumed the studio floor, and got the new Elna set into the table that the HQ Stitch used to sit in. He did a marvelous job!

Ellie's new home
I did get the machine threaded and tested yesterday. It sews like a dream (as does her brother, the Janome 1600P), so I'll be piecing with this machine going forward; when I have the time/health to be able to do so. 

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