Tuesday, May 14, 2019

A Few Projects

Yesterday was take-advantage-of-gloomy-weather day.

The Poppins bag was first on the list. As far as supplies allowed was as far as the project went. When ordering the Craft Tex, I thought I had ordered enough, but found out yesterday it was not only the wrong size, but only one was ordered. It needs two.

Moving along to the Long Time Gone pineapple blocks. Two were nearly done before lunch. Five more to go.

The afternoon consisted of long arming and working on the selvedge top.

Tula Pink's 100 Modern Block Design
The long arming on the Tula piece is going to take much longer than anticipated. The meander being put into the fractured windows on the off-white section is very closely quilted. Even though the machine is set to manual and at about 50%, the time it's taking was surprising.

The seventh border is set into the selvedge piece and only one more fat border to go. The next border is half-square triangles and it too will take a lot of time to make each of the blocks needed. They are six inches in size and each is set at a diagonal with a variety of sizes of selvages needed.

Today is sunny and is supposed to be warm-ish. The windows on the house are looking pretty grungy and part of today may be working on those. Maybe?!

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