Monday, May 13, 2019

Back to our Regularly Scheduled Programming

Now that all the Hallmark Holiday Hoohah is done, life can get back to normal. Although, from this end, it was time spent with my mom (who is amazing BTW), and not time spent with my own kids. They have their own lives and wives to celebrate with I guess.

No pics today I'm afraid. We did do some minor rearranging and some major cleaning in the studio last night after we finally got done with the weekend. Quilting is a very dusty and linty business. I wouldn't trade it for anything!

Since the place is more organized now, I'm really glad that I didn't purchase anything Friday at the quilt shop. I uncovered two more WIP's to be completed before anything new ensues.

What did I rearrange you ask? DW is now slightly skewed off a little on the end nearest the lake. It gives me a little more room to move around back there; which is great for the quilt needing a lot of thread changes. We shuffled the long cuts of fabric down under and behind the pressing table so Hazel can see better out the windows. The sewing table was shifted back and over a few inches and the shelves under the pressing table were condensed into one other shelf at the end of the sewing table and then removed completely from the studio. Grandma's chair is next to be removed from in here.

It's going to be hard to part with Grandma's chair. I love Grandma's chair; it fits me just right and it's been in our family for as long as I can remember. But Grandma's chair needs to be completely overhauled. The stuffing is mashed down to about nothing. The covering is starting to fray and show extreme signs of wear. The cost would be greater to redo it then to probably just buy a new one. But I've yet to find one to fit like this one does.

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Applique Sunday

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