Saturday, July 31, 2021

A Little Longer to Complete

The tops done thus far in my little corner of the world have been edge to edge quilted. Custom/ruler work takes a LOT longer to accomplish and this Jacqueline De Jonge piece is no exception. I have only completed about half.

Here's a little detail going into the quilt...

Quilting detail
I bound the quilt from the previous day after long arming for the afternoon. I then started in on more turtle construction, and not without a lot of hiccups. I did manage to get the shell constructed and here's the progress thus far.

The turtle shell
More of the same in store for today except the binding part. 

Friday, July 30, 2021

One More

One more top hit the frame yesterday. 

Super Sweet
Here's some of the quilting detail in it...
Probably my last edge to edge piece
I still need to get this off the frame and trimmed and bound, but I'm going to load another one today regardless.

I also started a turtle. My batting scrap bag is overflowing indicating it's time to start another turtle for some lucky child. Probably my nail techs daughter. I'll work on that in the evening when not long arming.

The Bonnie Hunter checkered quilt was also finished yesterday morning so really, I did two quilts yesterday. 

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Yard Work Interrupt-us

I had every intention yesterday, having spent the previous day on the road, of spending the entire day in the studio. Except we have neighbors coming up today, we had a beautiful weather day, although a bit humid, and we like to have the yard nice for the weekend so it's not looming over our heads. 

Now that Jim is clear to do most things (slowly) he was (FINALLY) able to get on his mower for the first time this year. And he can weed wack too! We worked the yard all morning and into part of the afternoon.

Once we got cleaned up, through lunch, and finishing morning chores, we were pretty well tuckered out. 

I did manage to get the next top loaded but not until having to make a backing for it

Bonner Hunters Leaders and Enders

I'm going to let DW drive this one this morning and see how far we get on the motif I picked for it before possibly loading another one later.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Marathon Quilting Continued

Here's what hit the frame yesterday...

Monsters, (Inc?)
This was completed a few hours after lunch to include the binding.

Next on the frame yesterday was this one...

String Top
Because of all the scrappiness in here I just went with a simple double/triple loop meander in a light gray color. This one did not get bound yet but the binding is actually ready to go.

Quilting detail
Today we are headed to Grand Rapids for the day. That means, no productivity in here until later when we get home tonight. And sometimes, when we spend all day on the road, the quilting mojo just isn't there. 

Monday, July 26, 2021

Marathon Quilting

The previous two quilts shown on my last post are quilted and bound. This quilt was also quilted and bound over the weekend...

This was a big one!
And the Painted Ladies shown last week is also now completed. Four quilts in one weekend. Whew. 

This week is going to be much of the same as the weekend was except for tomorrow in which we have to head to Grand Rapids to Jim's four-month check up post surgery. It's going to be a good day to stay in today and quilt anyway because it's supposed to be a hot one out there with temps already in the 80's. 

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Let's See if the Camera Works Today

Completed this top yesterday, which is the one mentioned in yesterdays post. 

Aren't these funny?
This pattern is by Alley Cat Tales and it's called Step-in' Out. It's an old pattern so it may not be obtainable any longer.

Here's what's on the frame today...

The "chicken" stack and whack pattern
I say "chicken" in the comment under the pic because I used a set of chicken panels to make this particular top. It's just getting an edge to edge with DW driving, but I'm quilting chickens into it as the motif. 

19 Tops (20 if you count the one above I just finished)
Here are all my quilting WIP's (now that I'm through all the piecing WIPs). All but five of these have backs so I have my work cut out for me in the next couple of weeks.

Here's the detail of Paulette's quilt I just finished the day before...

Paulette's Mystery Stars
This is a new motif supplied with our latest Pro Stitcher update. I expanded it out a bit so it wasn't so close together and I just LOVE it!

Today I'm finishing the Stack and Whack on the frame and loading another one. I'm doing a self-imposed quilting marathon because having these on my sewing table is going to drive me nuts! 

Friday, July 23, 2021

Autumn is Starting to Show Just a Little Bit

As the calendar nears the end of July, and as our drought has brought on extreme stress to our lands, our trees are already showing the affects with a slight change in some of their leaves. It's too soon.

This was observed as we took a buggy ride and on our trip to Houghton Lake yesterday. It feels like we just jumped into spring and fall is right around the bend. Fall is my favorite season and with it comes less bugs. And more quilting time. Always two good things.

Despite being gone most of the last half of yesterday, I did get Paulettes quilt completed before we left. Would love to show you the detail but the Mac had an update yesterday and my phone, which I use to photograph everything, is having an off day apparently. 

Hazel and I snuggling on a particularly cold-dish night earlier this week

I made a decision last night after our return. My "Bag of Tricks" which I'm now going to call my Bag of Projects, was supposed to be gone through and weeded out. What I'm going to do instead is just pull the first project out (which I did) and that'll be the next project. It exposes the project after that which I can prepare for (fabric, supplies) while making the first project. 

Here's what I pulled last night...oh wait, phone/computer issues. Maybe tomorrow? Well, it's a little wall hanging I purchased from one of my customers a few weeks ago prior to her estate sale with little old ladies skirt bottoms, legs, and shoes. 

While waiting for the phone and computer to sync this morning, I pulled all the tops I have completed out and all the backings I've purchased thus far and paired up as many as I could. 19 tops total and pairs for 14 of them. This is called taking advantage of the slower month of August and knocking out as many of my own quilts as possible. 

Thursday, July 22, 2021

From 0 to 100

Very productive studio day on Tuesday, zero productivity yesterday. The weather yesterday was perfect and staying inside just wasn't to be. The yard is completely mowed, trimmed, and weeded all in one day. My darkening tan is proof positive.

I did get Paulette's quilt top loaded before heading out though.

Paulette's Colorful Stars
I'm debating on what to do with this top. She doesn't really like it and for me to spend a lot of time doing ruler work in it would probably be senseless. I've chosen a few E2E's that would look fabulous in here and am leaning more in that direction.

A customer is having her estate sale beginning today and since she's a quilter, attending would be fun. I'm going to head over later this afternoon to see what she may be offering in the way of kits and/or patterns. 

The studio did get cleaned last night after taking shower number two. And the WIP stuff was cataloged and put away so two of four items on my to-do list were completed. I also worked on some more binding on Town and Country for a few hours. Is it me, or does the binding seem to multiply while it's not being watched?

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Pieced WIP's Accomplished

All the works in progress that needed piecing are now complete!!! Hurray! Here's a portion of what I did in the border on Happy Camper.

Happy Camper border
The top turned out too big to take a pic from the design wall and it was starting to get stormy when I put the last stitch in, so this was the best I could do. 

Paulette's first quilt was finished in under two hours. Her second quilt will go on this morning. This afternoon I have to mow and deal with the lawn because I've had it put off (per Jim) for the past few days. It was a little too hot to mow and I don't like to tax the mower(s) any more than necessary since we rely so heavily on them.

So what am I going to piece tonight? asks my friend Katie. She knows I like to have to sit down work to do after standing all day in front of the long arm. I slept on her question and came up with four immediate things to do:

1) Clean and organize the studio after all the WIP work happening in here of late.

2) Assign backs to all the tops I have laying in wait for the long arm. This is my slow season on the big machine and I may as well take advantage of that fact with a few of my own tops.

3) The Cotton Cuts mystery block should be showing up any day. I'll have that to work on.

4) I have a "bag of tricks"; projects just itching to get started, under my sewing table. That needs to be gone through and organized and weeded out.

All those will keep me busy for a few days I think. 

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Pro Stitcher Designer Update

DW on performance enhancing drugs. That's what the update was all about I think. I actually had to call Handi Quilter about why DW was going berserk. The tech laughed and then explained about a new feature called Stitch Optimization and how it works. Well, it works all right and I did a fairly large baby quilt (Jills) in under 2 hours. 

 Here's what's on the frame today...

Paulette's first top from the latest drop off
Isn't this quilt just the cutest? I'm getting some real dolls in here lately and this one is no exception. It will receive an E2E later today. Later because I have a flash and smash appointment in another hour or thereabouts so won't be available to quilt until I get through that.

My physical yesterday was okay. Labs came back a little high in some things and lot high in my Triglycerides. The tech called today on behalf of my physician and said I'm to reduce my fats, oils, and fried foods for three months. If the number doesn't drop meds may be introduced into my life. Nope. I'll eat healthy for a little while and see what we get. I don't do meds well at all!

After DW did his steroid stitching, I was able to get the blocks put together on the Happy Camper top.

Happy Camper top
I'm going to border this out with random remnants of what's left in the fabric pile from making the blocks, after I run a colorful thin border to separate and frame the top. This quilt is going to reside in our RV and if the reunion folks want a quilt to auction next year (I'm not going to make a special one like I usually do next year), then I'll grab this one and see what it fetches. 

Until tomorrow...happy quilting!

Monday, July 19, 2021

Not Much To Report

The last two days have been literally non-quilting related. The only reason I came into the studio was to let Hazel out to go potty. We've been in and out for the past three days with birthday parties, relative visits (my side this time and not the DeGroot side), shopping, running errands, and appointments.

I did have two quilts dropped off on Friday and one picked up. And I did do a Pro Stitcher update as well as a motif download Friday afternoon. Yep, that's about it.

This is what's going on the frame this morning. I'm just loading it because I had my annual physical first this morning and then after changing into my play clothes, needed to do some yard/garden work. The dew was heavy last night so hopefully I'll get to mow later today should it not get ridiculously hot out there. 

Jill's Dr. Seuss quilt top
Isn't this top just darling as all get out? I asked where she obtained the panel because a) It's pretty good quality fabric, and b) I'd never seen this in any of the quilt shops around (not that I've gone to tons of them lately since having to work through these WIP's). Hobby Lobby! 

While we were in Lansing yesterday for Jacob's birthday, and if Hobby Lobby was actually open on Sunday, this certainly would have ended up in my bag of projects to do once through the WIP's. 

The motif I downloaded on Friday was for this particular quilt top with the hat from the Cat in the Hat book. It's going to be so cute when I get this finished. And this special customer has me do her binding for her; she's one of only three I will actually do binding for. 

Friday, July 16, 2021


Making up for lost time seemed to occur yesterday.

Luann's quilt was completed and here is some of the detail free-motioned into the piece...

Luann's Stacked Coins, or Zipper Quilt
After I completed this piece, I was determined to get those Painted Ladies quilted.

Just waiting for binding
The black being used in the last WIP had to wait for cutting for binding on the Painted Ladies. Now that I have a layout for the WIP I can cut for the Painted Ladies. 
And here's the Happy Camper layout
I've decided that unless a pattern comes with the panel, DO NOT BUY! This was the third go-around in trying to make something of the fabrics and panel and I really didn't enjoy the process; and I am only okay with what will be the finished product/project. It'll make a nice utility quilt for the trailer.

I have to drop off some quilts today. I have a customer coming for pick up and possibly a drop off soon, and that will about be the extent of my inside work. We have a sunny-ish day and it's not supposed to be too awful hot. The yard awaits and since I haven't done anything out there since Sunday, it's due. 

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Plans Going South

From the title of todays blog it sounds like I'm heading towards a southern vacation. But mom and I were actually planning on a trip south to North Carolina to attend the John C. Campbell Folk Art School in August. Mom's hip is really misbehaving and there was a concern for her having to sit in the truck for such a long trek. Just sitting here at our house for a half hour was causing her issues.

Sadly, the trip was cancelled yesterday. I'd rather have mom comfortable and looking forward to the class rather than having to stress about the trip down and back. 

Now I'm on a mission to try to find a retreat/class/seminar to attend later this summer/fall. That'll be tonights project on the iPad. 

Meanwhile, yesterday was filled with errands. Hazel is heart worm free. We have groceries in the fridge after the kids were in and out all weekend with the reunion. I have my tulle for the Painted Ladies, and I started the last WIP!

Happy Camper

This was a fat quarter kit picked up from the Pieces of Thyme quilt shop a couple of years ago. It came with no directions and is left to the quilters imagination. I tried to do something with this at a retreat the winter after getting it and was unsuccessful. I tried to do something with it again last spring. Lost interest. Now we aren't playing around any more. We're going to make this into something. 

I have a customer quilt to work on with the long arm today that should have been worked yesterday. And I'll work on the Happy Camper thing somewhat while it's stitching away and again more intensely this evening. 

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

I Hate It When That Happens

The tulle I'm going to use to put over the top of The Painted Ladies was found a few weeks ago when I was rummaging around for something else in my storage drawers. I was going to quickly get that loaded and quilted up (putting irregular straight lines both vertically and horizontally) and went to get the tulle tacked down before loading the top. Except it's about four inches too short no matter how I try to fit it. Had I known this, more tulle would have been picked up when we were in town last week. 

Hazel has to go to the vet this morning for a heart worm check and more meds, we'll come home, wolf down some lunch and then head out for groceries and that tulle.

Meanwhile, the long arm was naked and needed something else on it since Town and Country is off. Yes, it's quilted and is now being bound. I'm actually hand binding it (I know, shocker right?) and will whittle away at that for the next four nights. I got about a fourth of it done last night.

So here is what is on the frame today...

Luann's Zipper, or Stacked Coins quilt top

I wanted to get this quilted this morning before the vet appointment but that's not going to happen since she has to be there in about 45 minutes. I'll work on it later this afternoon/evening since DW is going to drive this one for me. 

Before we have to leave this morning I'm going to dive into the WIP tote one last time to identify the last old [WIP] project of 2021. If I need more fabric/supplies for it, we can pick those up while we're in town later this afternoon. 

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

A Week Out of My Life

As I sat down to Blog today, noticed it had been a full week since I was in here working. Our DeGroot reunion was a smashing success. Perfect weather. Perfect pranks. Perfect food. The only thing that wasn't perfect was my ability to sew and instead run my bum off for six days straight. The positive side to all of it is my shorts fitting a little looser. 

But after all the dust settled, the RV was tucked away for another year, the numbers were crunched, the washing was done, the house getting back to normal, stole a few hours last night to get the Painted Ladies together and ready to head to the long arm.

The Painted Ladies ready for the long arm
I'm so excited because I think I have one more WIP to work and then I can begin something new. Which is a good thing because while we were away at reunion, my Cotton Cuts postcard came in the mail about the mystery quilt I signed up for. It begins in a few weeks. 

I'm having a conversation with a family member right now and it involves the quilt I donate each year for the reunion. While the quilt was basically being given away (it went for $150) my heart was just torn. The two people who requested this particular quilt didn't even bid on it and I think this last year was the last quilt the reunion will see for a while. 

Long arming today on Town and Country and I should be able to get it off the frame. I received a customer quilt over the weekend so that will need to go on next. And then I'll be digging that WIP out to work on later. 

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Reunion Week=Sporadic Blogging

Getting in the studio during the week prior to the reunion results in sporadic blogging. I have obligations to work on during the day and depending on quickly I get them done directly affects how much studio time is available.

Yesterday, the afternoon heat was unbearable (mid 90's) and the trailer heated up even warmer sitting out there in the sun. This gave me some studio time to work on the Painted Ladies.

I finished the Boutique and started looking at the four houses all in a row. Something was missing from the Flower Shop and I pulled the pattern down to take a look at it to see what, if anything, was missed. I'm glad I did because all the sidewalk and flower embellishments were somehow excluded. 

After working until well past 9:00 last night, was able to get them all in a row on the design wall. They aren't sew together yet, but this is an idea of how they'll look.

Those Painted Ladies
If you look closely, you'll notice that some of the design seems to missing the awning on the Boutique. That's because once the houses are assembled as one unit, there will be trees put in front and will cover most of the areas that seem to be missing parts. 

Caleb and Lia are on their way here from Detroit. They flew in from Washington state late last night. They'll be with us for the next five days to help with reunion. Thursday, the "B" family will be here as well and I have a feeling very little studio time will occur once everybody arrives. 


Sunday, July 4, 2021

On the Road with Relatives

Jims sister is here from Tennessee and we spent most of the day with her yesterday. From our house (Jim picked up her downstate), we traveled to Traverse City so she could visit with their mom. She hasn't seen her in six years. 

While I was waiting for them to arrive in the morning, I started the Boutique. Here's where I left off yesterday morning.

Building the Boutique

I wanted to long arm yesterday after working on this for a bit, but Jim and Teresa arrived sooner than I had planned. Sometimes our quilting world doesn't work out exactly as expected.

Today it is HOT! And HUMID! The air kicked on at 9:30 this morning. That's a sure sign we won't be spending much time outside today. IF we had a real lake, we'd already be in it. But, since we don't, studio time is a great substitute. 

Friday, July 2, 2021

I'm Loaded

No, I have not been drinking. One of my quilts is loaded onto the frame. Yep, Town and Country. Except for the borders, the whole thing is just receiving a ditch around each block. Here's what is going into the borders...

Border work on Town and Country

When reaching the half-way point yesterday it was time to be done for the day. I'm getting into thread changes and had been on the machine about five hours. I got to thinking about when it was the last time I put one of my "actual" quilts on the machine and looked it up. At the rate I'm going, I'll average about three quilts for me per year. This isn't good!

The Painted Ladies are coming along. The Bakery is embellished and here are the three of them sitting side by side...

The Painted Ladies minus one

One more to go. The foundation paper pieces are all traced. The appliqué pieces are all onto fusible. And the Boutique was going to be started last night. Except, pink is one of those colors I'm sorely lacking and it requires a full fat quarter to make. 

I have a variety of errands to run today and will include a trip to Pieces along my route to pick up the missing pink. 

Thursday, July 1, 2021

It's a Structure

The Bakery is built but not nearly complete. It obviously needs embellishments to make it look as lovely as the previous two buildings. 

Look at the detail in the Quilt Shop next door
While I was constructing this building, the backing for Town and Country was being frame ironed. I found a wonderful paisley in the backing stash to match the blues and peaches in the top. 

Norma's quilt was completed on the long arm and then I started to blanket stitch down the smaller embellishments. Except, blanket stitching arcs and circles on a larger piece (meaning, I'm use to doing 4 1/2" blocks, not a 24"x36" quilt) was becoming nearly impossible. Shift gears. 

How about free motion quilting on Jay? Bingo! got those all sewn down. Customer called. Moving along.

Today I want to load the Town and Country top, but we have a ruckus happening in that our driveway is being repaired and re-sealed. We also have a propane delivery scheduled for today, so whoever arrives first wins. 



Digitized Edge to Edge

I have a computer (the Pro Stitcher) that drives all the edge-to-edge motifs on customer quilts. If they request it. I don't like using ...