Friday, July 16, 2021


Making up for lost time seemed to occur yesterday.

Luann's quilt was completed and here is some of the detail free-motioned into the piece...

Luann's Stacked Coins, or Zipper Quilt
After I completed this piece, I was determined to get those Painted Ladies quilted.

Just waiting for binding
The black being used in the last WIP had to wait for cutting for binding on the Painted Ladies. Now that I have a layout for the WIP I can cut for the Painted Ladies. 
And here's the Happy Camper layout
I've decided that unless a pattern comes with the panel, DO NOT BUY! This was the third go-around in trying to make something of the fabrics and panel and I really didn't enjoy the process; and I am only okay with what will be the finished product/project. It'll make a nice utility quilt for the trailer.

I have to drop off some quilts today. I have a customer coming for pick up and possibly a drop off soon, and that will about be the extent of my inside work. We have a sunny-ish day and it's not supposed to be too awful hot. The yard awaits and since I haven't done anything out there since Sunday, it's due. 

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