Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Pro Stitcher Designer Update

DW on performance enhancing drugs. That's what the update was all about I think. I actually had to call Handi Quilter about why DW was going berserk. The tech laughed and then explained about a new feature called Stitch Optimization and how it works. Well, it works all right and I did a fairly large baby quilt (Jills) in under 2 hours. 

 Here's what's on the frame today...

Paulette's first top from the latest drop off
Isn't this quilt just the cutest? I'm getting some real dolls in here lately and this one is no exception. It will receive an E2E later today. Later because I have a flash and smash appointment in another hour or thereabouts so won't be available to quilt until I get through that.

My physical yesterday was okay. Labs came back a little high in some things and lot high in my Triglycerides. The tech called today on behalf of my physician and said I'm to reduce my fats, oils, and fried foods for three months. If the number doesn't drop meds may be introduced into my life. Nope. I'll eat healthy for a little while and see what we get. I don't do meds well at all!

After DW did his steroid stitching, I was able to get the blocks put together on the Happy Camper top.

Happy Camper top
I'm going to border this out with random remnants of what's left in the fabric pile from making the blocks, after I run a colorful thin border to separate and frame the top. This quilt is going to reside in our RV and if the reunion folks want a quilt to auction next year (I'm not going to make a special one like I usually do next year), then I'll grab this one and see what it fetches. 

Until tomorrow...happy quilting!

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