Friday, December 24, 2021

A Snowy Christmas Eve

I had every intention of working today, but after taking stock of what is left to do for Christmas gifts, thought I would reward myself with long arming after Christmas construction ends. 

But, there is a new top on the frame. This is Ila's first of two and am I having an absolute blast on it!

Ila's first top
It's a biggie; 92" x 109", and will take some time to complete since it's all being done with rulers and a little free motion. 

We received about 6-7 inches of new snow last night. It makes everything look so pretty. BUT, alas, it won't last. According to the weather fibber, we're supposed to get above freezing today and then rain behind the rising temps. But we can at least enjoy it for a few hours. 

A snowy looking morning

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Merry Christmas Eve Eve

Jim took today off and we ran errands this morning. Hazel went with and enjoyed the truck ride. Not much to report except that I'm still working on Cathie's fourth quilt. I should be able to finish it up this afternoon now that we're home for the day and not expecting any additional visitors or interruptions.

I need to, at some point, start getting ready for the holiday. So. Much. To. Do! Wrapping, baking, cleaning, washing bedding, preparing other foods, making gifts and wrapping them. Sorting what I've been accumulating throughout the year first before wrapping can even begin.

Maybe today, after Cathies quilt is off and I load the next one, I can start working on those pillow covers, which are one of the kids' gifts. The tops are stitched out but need to make the inserts (I'm going to use zippered ones this time so they can be washed too) and need to research on how to do that since "sewing" isn't part of my usual wheelhouse. And the backs aren't on the tops yet. UGH!

Oh, and there's a new wide back fabric out there with kind of a satin feel to it. Mickey purchased some from Pieces and I took a pic of how it looks after stitching it out. 

Stitches sink right down in
I thought the stitches would just sit on top because of the smoothness of the fabric, but with the bamboo batt it really stitched out nicely. Win! 

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Another Windy Day

What's with all these really windy days/nights? Must be a weather pattern like La Nina or something. Anyway, a very productive day in here yesterday. Mickey's second quilt was completed and she's coming around noon to fetch both of them.

While I was digging for her quilt tops I found ANOTHER one for Cathie M. OMG! I thought she only brought me three and now I'm working a fourth for her.

Here's what's on the frame this morning...

Cathie's 4th Top
I've actually already started it and here's some of the quilting detail being put into the sheep. Aren't they just the cutest?
While I was working Mickey's quilt yesterday, some of the center section was done with the ProStitcher. You have to babysit the PS because if you don't, something inevitably will happen. I was cleaning the floor in the area and found this...
Part of my needle
This was from the break two days ago. I don't think it's supposed to look this short. At any rate, I found the missing section I was unable to locate during the initial break, so I'm relieved it's not floating around inside of the bobbin case or anywhere else it could do damage. 

I have another customer pick up for the three tree skirts completed a few weeks ago and I'll continue with the sheep in between customer visits. I'm hopeful to get that one done today and another loaded before the day ends. I should probably start to wrap presents at some point. Hmmm??

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Broken Needles

I seldom break needles on the long arm. I mean, I can count on one hand the amount I've broken in all those stitches on the machine. But, yesterday was needle number three (or four?). It was an old needle and I wanted to get these pillow covers stitched out before I changed it for Mickey's two quilts. Apparently I was supposed to change it sooner.

Here is what the green buffalo plaids turned into.

There are six covers total
Four of the covers are Spartan heads, the other two are just flowers as shown. 

Here's what was on the frame after the little needle incident. 

Mickey's first top 
I didn't snag any pics of the quilting in here because I was rocking yesterday and actually completed this a little after Jim arrived home from work. And, it was all custom!

Here's what's on the frame this morning...

Mickey's second top
I loaded and actually started the border work last night. DW is going to drive the center section today, but I'll still have to ruler the borders as the quilt is being advanced.

Monday, December 20, 2021

Happy Christmas Week

For most of the world, this is Christmas week. It won't be Christmas week for us until next week, so this is just another normal week, except Jim is taking a few days off for???

Monica's third quilt was finished Saturday afternoon and yay, only eight more customer quilts in the holding pattern. I'm going to take a really quick break from customer quilts to work on these...

You'll see tomorrow what I did with this fabric we jumped over to Pieces on Saturday afternoon to snag.

While I was doing some stuff with this fabric on the frame I hit 60 million stitches on DW! 60 million at 6:30 on the week Jim turned 60 with my 612th quilt top. That's a lot of sixes, but many say it's an unlucky number. However, every one of the boys have a 6 in their birthday or time. So it's lucky for us!

Friday, December 17, 2021

Happy 60th Jim!

Hazel had to go to the groomers yesterday. It's probably one of the least favorite of all her activities next to going to the vet. She still doesn't seem over it this morning as evidenced by her lack luster attitude...

"Darn Groomer Anyway!"

I have an appointment at 11:00 today and then Jim is coming home for lunch (again) today. I could get used to him being here during mid-day! Happy 60th birthday my love! ðŸŽ‚

I'll be working on Monica's quilt again this afternoon and should be able to finish it up before the weekend is officially here. I still have two full rows to go, but some of that is the dresden stitch-out DW will be doing in those big empty blocks. It's the circles in the borders/sashings that are taking forever to complete.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Better Call Dorothy

These winds, again, are fierce! We have blinked twice so far this morning which is disconcerting. Hazel is going to the groomer this morning (if they don't call and tell me they're out of power) and I really would like to have jammed on Monicas quilt while she was away. 

I talked to Jim about this and my concern for all these high wind days. He said that was what we had insurance for. But if this machine goes down, then what? It'll take weeks to replace it (if there's even another one out there since they no longer make my model) and customers will have to wait even longer. I'm torn. I need to continue to work, but Mother Nature isn't making it easy on me. 

Here's what's going into some of Monica's top...

Quilting Detail
Can you even see the circles in the border/sashings? She has four blocks of just printed negative space to fill. We talked about repeating the Dresden pattern during her consultation, so I digitized the actual Dresden block (none was available already) to have DW stitch them out. What do ya think?
Digitizing patterns

And they both stitched out beautifully. I did get the first row in last night despite mom and I running the roads most of the mid day yesterday. It was good to get out and "play" with her for a while. I delivered two quilts to Bittersweet so not all the day was just fun and games. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Here's what's on the frame this morning...

Monica's third top
Don't you love the Dresden Plate? So much that can be done in here. I'll be taking it kind of slow today since my back is (yet again) giving me troubles. When I have big blocks to reach across the frame to work, my back tells me that's not the cool thing to do and to just quit being lazy and do the damn thread changes and the roll backs. 

We have another high wind warning coming and so I'm keeping an eye on that too. 

While I was frame ironing the backing above, I was able to cut and get my fourth top ready to go for retreat. So, other than winding bobbins and packing, I'm set for what I'm going to be working on. Can't wait! Although, I'm not sure which machine I'm going to be taking. I like having a table to rest my pieces on when I'm sewing them together and my little machine doesn't have one. But I don't want to lug the big machine over. I'll have to think about that. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Pictures for Reference

I used to make extensive notes about the top portion of each quilt I was working on. Then I got a smart phone. Instead of written notes, I have the picture(s) to refer to when I get to the bottom portion of the quilt. This border quilt is a perfect example. I did some snowflakes in the corners and will need to refer to which kind I put in above for the bottom ones below.

See the snowflake in the upper left corner behind the bar?
This quilt I've been working on for Monica is a beautiful flannel. Not like the cheap junk you get at a big box store, but the beautifully woven and soft as butter flannels you only find in a quilt/finer fabric shop. The texture from the quilting is coming out wonderfully!

But there's a downside to any flannel. It's a cat hair/thread/batting magnet. I clean the section off I'm going to be quilting and before I'm done with that row, there are more little friends that have attached themselves somehow. 

I'll hopefully finish this piece today. I'm doing all the border/block quilting first. I'll go back and reroll to do the center section since I'm using invisible thread in it. Invisible thread in the long arm requires a lot of tension adjusting. And there are buttons I will need to sew around as well that were already attached. 

Monday, December 13, 2021

Christmas Tree Is Up

Which took all of yesterday afternoon and evening to take care of. It's a 12' tree and we have many ornaments to get into it, plus all the lights and then trying to level the tree. This morning I see it leaning, so we'll have to tackle that when Jim gets home tonight.

Because yesterday was errand and tree day, I did absolutely zero in here. And Saturday was filled with cutting for retreat because of the wind. Today will be a complete long arming day. I slept in this morning (must have needed the recharge) so I'm behind about an hour already, but will make up for it this evening.

Here's what's going into Monica's second top I'll be working today...

Not a stellar pic, but some of what's going in
The sun is shining and the corn across the road is finally being picked. It's not supposed to be terribly cold so the temps in the studio should be nice; and of course, the sun is always welcome. 

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Screaming Wind

We have wind gusts today predicted to be up to 60 mph. That means not a lot of long arming until it settles down. The machine doesn't do well in power outages and I'm not willing to risk it for a few hours' worth of work. 

But we were expecting this so I worked late last night to make up for it. Here's what's on the frame today...

Monica's second top
I'm seeing a lot of hand embroidery and flannels coming through lately. Is this a new trend I'm unaware of?

Went over the Pieces yesterday and picked up the black fabric I was in need of as well as some other odds and ends. It's always good to visit with the girls.

I'm going to cut retreat fabric/kits and maybe throw some YouTube videos I'm behind on. Jim is working  but I'm not sure for how long and mentioned he wanted to be home in time for the basketball game at 2:00. I'll long arm (if the wind has quieted) during the game, otherwise, I'll just keep cutting, just keep cutting, cutting, cutting, cutting. 

Friday, December 10, 2021

Christmas Lists

It's that time of the year for the lists to start flying around the family. Two of our kids and their wives/families send the same list to their other parents. Duplicates are usual and this is kind of frustrating, so I usually stay away from the lists. But since they've sent theirs, they want ours as well. I only have two quilting things on my list this year: Derwent Inktense blocks or pencils and thread. Lots of thread. Since I only use So Fine! and Glide I sent them a list of colors I'm missing from my Glide collection.

I think this will give them plenty of options
I'm still working on Cathies quilt but should finish it up today. It takes a few days to do an almost king-size top and this isn't any exception.

I need to run over to Pieces either today or tomorrow to pick up some black fabric and then I need to start cutting for my retreat in less than a month. I like to have everything cut and ready to go so all I need to do is sew, press, and chat. 

Thursday, December 9, 2021

A Late Start to the Day

Feeling a little sluggish. The night was restless and I think it's because our furnace, when entering the second stage, whistles like a train whistle, which is right outside my bedroom window. Each time I was woken the furnace was running. Hmmm???

Here's some of the quilting detail going into Cathies quilt. Obviously it didn't get done yesterday because it's another large one. 

Some of the quilting detail
I'll continue on with this one today and hoping (crossing my fingers) I'll get it done, but with the furnace guy called, I don't know if he'll interrupt my day; if he's even coming?

Here's something stupid. I received my annual LLC renewal from the State of Michigan. Such smart folks they are. If you're a veteran-owned business, your annual fee (of $25) is waived. But each year I have to send proof to these folks that I am indeed a veteran. Because, you know, it may have changed since last year. 

Off to deal with that and then on to the long arm. 

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Change of Plans

Mom decided she wasn't going to have me come in and take her two blocks to PT. "She could make it herself" she said. And, we have been having snow all morning so I was stressing about it all. So, off with the good clothes, on with the comfy work clothes, but I'll take it!

Here's some of the quilting detail that went into Monica's first quilt...

Not a very good pic, but the top of the pic shows some of the detail

And here's what's on the frame this morning...

Cathie M.'s third quilt top
This top somehow got lost in the Thanksgiving top shuffle from spare room to studio. I've already done two others for her and she shouldn't have to come out here a second time to pick this up. I may drive this one and Tina's finished quilt into Bittersweet to save them a trip. Snow dependent of course.

Have you ever used one of these? 

Conversion Tool 
Jim's mechanic wants a John Deere quilt made and I found some AWESOME John Deere fabric on the 50% off table at Pieces last weekend. I began searching for a tractor pattern on-line that wouldn't cost me three arms and two legs to other words, free. All the patterns were for a 12" finished block. But I didn't want to make 12 tiny tractors using teeny tiny pieces. I wanted one big tractor.

I used the tool above to convert all the measurements given in the four-section pattern to a 500% bigger set of cutting sizes. Poof I have one big giant tractor pattern. And some pretty big pieces to cut. I have the fabrics all washed (wanted to make sure that green wasn't going to bleed) and I'll start cutting tonight. I do need to get some more black anyway so if I need more I'll grab that on Friday. Off I go to the long arm!

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Just a cruisin'

Yesterday was pretty productive. Mom cancelled her PT appointment on account of the weather so I had the whole day free. I finished with Terry's quilt and moved on to Bunny's.

Bunny's first tree skirt
This was completed shortly before lunch. I loaded her next two on before breaking to eat...
Hey...these look familiar
Jim had to work late last night so I took advantage and completed two more of her skirts. And since I was on a roll, loaded Monica's first top (of three) she dropped off a month ago. 
Monica's first top

I'll work this one today since I did some prelim drawings on the couch last night during the Voice. Mom has PT again tomorrow so blogging will be will the start to my work day. Which will mean another late night on the machine. This is starting to wear on me. 

Monday, December 6, 2021

Another Mom Day Yesterday

So there wasn't a thing going on in here, and everything at moms took twice as long because Jim received a call-out for a "smells gas". But I did get her laundry done and some other little things she needed around the house taken care of. Jim fetched her some more water and the roads coming home were very interesting. We took our time since most everybody was aware of the bad driving conditions.

Saturday I did get a lot done, and Bunny and Carla stopped by to drop off three tree skirts for me to do (probably today since they are Chrismas-y), and everybody is aware Christmas things take precedence. Here is what went into Terry's quilt...

Just what she asked for!
After Jim got home from work and the girls left, we headed out to do some of our own errands. Jim wanted to see the new Pieces digs so we buzzed over there first. And of course, I found something else to buy. Jim's mechanic would like a John Deere quilt made and I found the perfect fabrics for making him one, and bonus, it was on the 50% off table!

Today there are wind advisory's out and so I'm going to have to pay attention to those while I'm quilting later. I still need to get the skirts loaded since this monster above took forever to get trimmed. 

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Thursday Night, Saturday Morning

Yep, Friday is missing from my title because there was very little happening in here yesterday. 

I have customers/family members ask how I manage to get any of my own stuff done with all the work I have here to do for customers. The answer: One of my super powers is time management. Jim said I should have been a line cook or something needing multi-tasking capabilities. Well, what do you think quilting is?

While a backing is being frame ironed, I fill in those spaces with thread selection, batt cutting, and, my own projects. Helen Godden has provided a cute Partridge in a Pear Tree wall hanging art thing to do this season, and while I'm a few days behind in what she's doing on YouTube, I can catch up easily enough once I get the painting done. But I's what's on the frame this morning...

Terry's simple, yet elegant very large top
She wants to stick with simplicity in the quilting and mentioned chevrons, so I'll work with my notes and see what happens.

Here's the Helen Godden art piece thing started. 

A partridge in a pear tree
I'll be working Terry's quilt all day since Jim is working today too. And tomorrow is another "mom" day. The woman is becoming stir crazy (she is used to running the roads constantly) so we'll take her out for some of the day to help ease her up. 

And as long as yesterday was a bust, I scooted over to Pieces to check out their new digs. WOW!!!!!!!!!! So much room, so warm yet open, so many things they have that I didn't know they had at the little shop. They'll be getting even more of my money now and that's okay because I love the new place and the girls running it!

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Picking Threads

When a new quilt top comes in, and the customer gives me cart blanc, I have so much fun being free to pick out threads and design motif(s) that will compliment what the piecer was trying to convey. 

Here's what we have on the frame this morning...

Tina's Firefly top
And here are the threads selected to go into each of the fireflies...
Yummy colors!
This top was started yesterday, later in the afternoon after all my customers came (three sets) to pick up their finished quilts. And, after I had some lunch in my tummy.

Because of the colors I'm putting into this it's not photographing really well. At least it wasn't last night. I'll try to capture something today in our gloomy weather/overcast day.

Tomorrow is going to be another bust. Mom has PT at 9:45 and then a doctors appointment at 11:30. She needs to have me run errands for her in between and then once I get her home, laundry and lunch will be tackled. At some point, probably after all her needs are met, I'd like to run over to Pieces to take a look at the new digs. They are opening back up tomorrow and I'm SOOOOO excited to see how everything came out.

I'm hoping to get Tina's quilt completed today and another loaded so I can be ready for the weekend as Jim is supposed to be working on Saturday. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Good Early Morning

Getting an early start today since I don't know what the "mom" situation will entail later. Debs quilt is almost done, but after pulling thread twice (mistakes), it was time to call it quits at 7:30 last night. The last roll presented me with this to tackle this morning...

From L to R: Backing, Red Snapper, batting, and top
This is NOT nearly enough room to do any ruler work, so I'm, once again, going to have to get creative in finding solutions to this issue. See why I'm getting an early start?

Jim told me about a post last night on our Smallwood Lake FB page about a lady requesting information. She has just moved to the area and was inquiring about local quilt shops/groups. While I don't usually do FB, I HAD to reply to her this morning and instead of listing everything in the area, just gave her my number to call or text me. Much quicker. Don't know if I'll hear from her, but I'm here for whatever.

Can't wait for Friday. The Pieces of Thyme re-opening is this week and I know how we left the shop a week and a half ago and it'll be interesting to see what they did with the chaos we left them. So excited!

Digitized Edge to Edge

I have a computer (the Pro Stitcher) that drives all the edge-to-edge motifs on customer quilts. If they request it. I don't like using ...