Monday, December 6, 2021

Another Mom Day Yesterday

So there wasn't a thing going on in here, and everything at moms took twice as long because Jim received a call-out for a "smells gas". But I did get her laundry done and some other little things she needed around the house taken care of. Jim fetched her some more water and the roads coming home were very interesting. We took our time since most everybody was aware of the bad driving conditions.

Saturday I did get a lot done, and Bunny and Carla stopped by to drop off three tree skirts for me to do (probably today since they are Chrismas-y), and everybody is aware Christmas things take precedence. Here is what went into Terry's quilt...

Just what she asked for!
After Jim got home from work and the girls left, we headed out to do some of our own errands. Jim wanted to see the new Pieces digs so we buzzed over there first. And of course, I found something else to buy. Jim's mechanic would like a John Deere quilt made and I found the perfect fabrics for making him one, and bonus, it was on the 50% off table!

Today there are wind advisory's out and so I'm going to have to pay attention to those while I'm quilting later. I still need to get the skirts loaded since this monster above took forever to get trimmed. 

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