Friday, August 2, 2024

Happy Friday Heatwave

What's with these Georgia temps and humidity this week? The lawn really needed mowing and Jim kept putting it off because it's hard on the mower to run it at these temperatures. Well, last night he broke down and did the lawn; it was looking pretty shabby. 

And it's time for him to do pickles so he won't have time this weekend to fuss with it. 

I finished the cute baby quilt on Bernie yesterday morning and moved over to start this one in the afternoon...

Bernadettes Quilted Witch by Lori Holt
I have two of these in the queue to work, each being quilted a little differently. When I researched how others quilted this piece, most everybody chose an E2E for it, but a few did exactly what I was hoping for. And, once you begin a quilt you're committed to doing that throughout the quilt.

Here's the insane amount of filler going into the negative spaces. Thankfully we are putting a bamboo batting in here so it will remain soft and pliable despite the amount of quilting going in.
Large pebbles and a swirl here and there
The blocks themselves are given about a 1/2" echo and then ditched inside. I am quilting inside the blocks if there is a big enough space (larger than 4") for me to do so. 

The "accessories" in the quilt i.e. witch, broom, pumpkin, etc. are going to get special treatments once I get there. This quilt is going to take a few days to complete because I'm insane. 

After working on DW until about 5:00, I moved over to Charlotte's quilt and attached the first white border around the rainbow blocks all the while thinking to myself how am I going to quilt this?

Attaching the first set of borders

It needed another "block" treatment on the top and bottom to make it rectangular shaped rather than square so I made these rainbow 4-patches. I called Jim in once he was done mowing to ask his opinion on which layout to choose...

Which one?
Since the first rainbow blocks are kind of stand along-ish we decided the top option. 

No customers expected today and we have to run to Midland this afternoon to get groceries and a new pair of shoes. This foot issue I'm having isn't going away and without my feet, I'm sunk. Hopefully we'll come up with a solution. 

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