Tuesday, August 13, 2024

I didn't do much on Sunday

We had to run into town and then had a visit with my mom. By the time we returned home it was lunch time. And the rest of the day was relax and movies. 

Here's what I'm working on on Bernie today...

Evelyn's beautiful embroidered top
Remember me mentioning last week about small being more work? Well, this is a perfect example. I worked on this little guy all day yesterday and have just reached the half-way point. Here's some of the quilting going into it...
Lots of thread going in
I debated on whether or not to quilt the blue squares. They are small and to get from one square to the next would be cumbersome. I have chosen to quilt heavily around them and then just let them pop like the butterflies are with the grid work I put behind them.

This will be most of todays work. I've decided I'm liking So Fine! thread (#401 going in here) more and more. Do I have storage room to get all their colors too? Hmmmm????? Happy Tuesday. 

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Who Said Long Arming Wasn't Dangerous?

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