Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Dog Days of Summer

I've noticed our Maple tree starting to change a little in color. Our neighbors tree is doing the same thing. Summer is just starting to wind down; my grand kids start school on Monday. Where, oh where, did the summer go? 

But, I'm happy fall is approaching. It's my favorite season. And with that, I'm starting to work on all the fall quilts in the queue. 

I have three quilts I'm going to be quilting over the next few days. This one on DW will probably be done on Friday. Today I have a luncheon a ways away. The quilt on DW is a large one and will take about five or so hours to stitch out; it's getting an E2E...

Another very large quilt
I'm going to work on the two I've loaded onto Bernie this morning before I have to leave...
The Last Supper
Yep, two at once. They are getting nearly identical quilting in them, but all custom. One is a gift. I had to add to the backing on these since the piece the customer gave me was NOT square and lacked more than an inch on either side as I would have advanced. I wasn't going to fight with this situation so decided to just add to her all black backing.

A good long armer goes out of their way to make sure the quilt is finished correctly and this is just one example of that.

After working on both machines getting them loaded I moved over to the 365 sit-down piece.

Section 16

Section 17
I'm getting better at finding my rhythm with Jay and getting back into the sit-down stuff. 

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