Saturday, February 5, 2022

Almost There!

I ran out of steam last night. I didn't even work on the Puzzle wall hanging because nine intense hours on the long arm did me in. Not to mention, DW is being naughty and is stressing me out. He's making some weird clacking noises in the bobbin race area and is, once again, making small birds nests when I travel from 10:00 to 11:00. This tells me he is definitely out of time. I wonder if I can get him in sooner than the 22nd? I'll need to call on that.  

But I work within the directions he is behaving and just deal with the issue until he can be tuned up. 

Here's another couple of petal details...

These are LARGE petals to be filling
I have one more petal to do this morning and then all the filler. My goal was to have this to Pieces this weekend and it looks like I might make it. I have another customer quilt to pick up from there so I better get to it. 

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