Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Ice Storm!

This is the view outside the studio window this morning.

Look at all that ice!
It's pretty, but very dangerous, especially since the winds are coming up. While this picture looks like we've gotten through of the worst of it, it was a brief sun appearance and we are now getting (more) snow. And wind! The trees are creaking terribly. Here's hoping the electricity stays with us today since this is what's on the frame...
Deb's Coral Reef. Pattern by Judy Niemeyer

I've started the piece already. But it's a LOT of detail, change of quilting, change of thread colors, marking, registration placements, and rolling back and forth to get the whole section done. It's going to be on the frame for a few days. 

Tomorrow is supposed to be day 1 of retreat, but I'm afraid of the roads and the weather on whether we'll be able to actually have retreat. I have another quilt top cut out giving me three projects to work on, but our county is in a state of emergency and travel is to be done ONLY for emergency vehicles and plows. 

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