Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Happy Early Morning

Jim and I are hitting the road first thing this morning. I have a nail appointment and while I'm there, he's going to gas up the truck and get supplies for the trip. His mom and sister won't be here until after lunch sometime. 

Here's what's on the frame this morning...

Mickey's Home Sweet Home from the Row by Row a few years ago. 

This is Mickey's third top I'm finally getting done from December. DW was acting naughty again last night and I'm not particularly pleased with how the needle position was timed and the alignment hole above his needle was also moved to a not good position. 

This was the "secret" project I was working on yesterday...

For Jim...or his sister
This was made for Jim for Valentines Day. But I'm asking him to gift it to the cancer-stricken sister. If he packs it, I'll know he wants to gift it to her. If not, then I'll know he's actually really into the quilt and I'll have to make Teresa a different one. I just put an all over hook swirl in it yesterday morning to get it done quickly and before leaving today. 

I'm going to try to long arm as much as I can after our errands this morning and before the family arrives. Lots of luck on that one I suppose. 

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Empty Long Arms

Here is some of the quilting detail that went into Linda's quilt... The front The back I have it all trimmed and ready to bind for her. ...