Monday, February 21, 2022

Ever Have a Work-cation?

I did not go to Tennessee. I wanted people to think I was going, but because of space constraints in the truck, it was not possible for me to tag along. And, I needed a few days to deal with this...

Quilts/Tops laying in wait
Day 1: Load and start Paulettes 365. I also hung and organized the customer quilt tops by date in. 
This top is so gorgeous! And heavy!
Here is the border treatment put into it.
Very time consuming but so worth it!
Day 1 and 2: All while working Paulettes border, DW was being stupid. I always check the needle position when I get my machine back because my tech has a tendency to move the thing around. And, for some reason, he decided to move my thread guide as well???
Needle at 7:00. Thread guide now at 5:00.
I was getting so much shredding, which I NEVER get and an occasional long stitch. I struggled through Paulettes quilt going only left to right and top to bottom...otherwise threads would shred. For two days I did this! While I was finishing my pineapple blocks that second night (yep, they're all done), I put on my physics hat and started thinking about this.

Day 3: Here's what I put on the frame with the "fixes" I put into place...

Nanci's batty crazy top
DW performed like a champ! Yay! That night I celebrated by making this...
A grocery bag to put into your purse. Isn't it cute?
Saturday night I loaded this to "play" with on Sunday...
Angela Walters Quilt-Along
Day 4: I only got it half way done and had to remove it from the frame for today's work. But here's what I've gotten done so far...
I gathered "all" my projects for retreat. Only two!?!?!?!?! What the heck? I'm going to have to scrounge around here and find a few more I think.
Ready (?) for retreat
Here's what's on the frame this morning...
Nanci's Snowflakes
I'm going to custom her border and edge to edge the center I think. I have to look at it through the kitchen and see what would be best. Anyway...Jim made it back safe and sound and he's glad to have slept in his own bed last night I'm sure! Maybe Hazel will quit being so nervous about the routine being changed now too?

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